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WHO chief's dire warning...... Since not enough Sheeple fell for the COVID BS

(This post was last modified: 02-21-2024, 06:28 PM by Lucky2Last. Edited 1 time in total.)

(02-21-2024, 05:44 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote:
(02-21-2024, 05:30 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: You really think it's an opinion that age adjusted metrics alone is a terrible data point for making determinations for the general public regarding a disease that disproportionately affects the elderly? Get out of here with that garbage. You're not that dumb.

I think it's your opinion that the metrics you think are the most important aren't used in their analysis. That's the point, you criticize based on your assumptions and limited knowledge and act as if you're right. I don't know that you aren't, but I also don't know that you are. That's why we can't get anywhere with this conversation, you've based your position on something you don't know while I say that I don't know, so according you that makes you right and me wrong. We both don't know something but for you that's a win and me a loss (in some competition that you think we're in here). I based my comments on the topic of Winger's Tweet on facts that are known and you immediately turn the conversation to something else and act, as always, like I'm wrong. Just because we're talking about Covid vaccines doesn't automatically mean whatever I say is wrong. On topic, there are several vaccines that prompt a waiting period before you can donate blood or plasma; it's not a Covid conspiracy, it's been that way for decades.

We aren't in a competition, bro. I'm trying to get you to see how you're being lied to by greedy sociopaths. You can try to pigeonhole me in with the conspiracy theorists if you want, but my track record on this subject speaks volumes. That's only important because it shows I'm not "guessing" on this stuff, not because I'm "competing" with you.

You cannot know how effective the vaccine is without age-specific data. They have age-specific data, but they choose not to release it. Why not? If what you believe is true, why not? The answer should be obvious: It's because age-adjusted data crafts a better narrative. In year one of Covid, they released age-specific data, but they took it away because people started doing basic math. Your boy Fauci said that people were drawing the wrong conclusions, so they took that power away from us. Whether that was for well-meaning, but stupid reasons or if it's for nefarious or greedy reasons, I can't say for certain, but I do know for certain that we aren't working with good data anymore, as you freely admit above. I say that while acknowledging your experience of seeing people get very sick and dying from Covid. That's going to happen in a city of over a million people. Sorry you experienced that. However, that experience has nothing to do with how statistics works.

You can't know how effective the vaccine is for a 20-year-old without age-specific metrics. Drawing upon what I know before they took that data away, I suspect that this is a money grab, which is an opinion. Needing age-specific data to make good choices, on the other hand, is not an opinion.

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Messages In This Thread
copycat - by copycat - 02-22-2024, 01:20 PM
RE: WHO chief's dire warning...... Since not enough Sheeple fell for the COVID BS - by Lucky2Last - 02-21-2024, 06:27 PM

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