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How in the world can you eat 40oz of steak!?

Quote:How in the world can you eat 40oz of steak!?

One bite at a time.
I could see myself doing the 40 oz steak challenge more than a 3 lb burger only because the burger becomes so monotonous.  As you eat it, it becomes a bit lukewarm and much more dense.  At least with a steak it will stay relatively tender and the sides break up the monotony.


Either way, sounds like you'd have a bit of a stomach ache from it.

There's a restaurant in Amarillo called the big Texan, or something like that, where the challenge is a 72 oz steak with all the fixings... I've always wanted to try it.

The most steak I've eaten is a 32 oz rib eye, cooked Pittsburgh rare. It was glorious.

I think I could put down 40 ounces... And in my 20's I'm positive I could have tackled 72 oz's. But now that I'm pushing 40?? I doubt it.

As for heat challenges, me and a few buddies got our hands on a few scorpion peppers...

That was the longest weekend of my life. I think there was a moment where I hallucinated for about a minute.
Quote:There's a restaurant in Amarillo called the big Texan, or something like that, where the challenge is a 72 oz steak with all the fixings... I've always wanted to try it.

The most steak I've eaten is a 32 oz rib eye, cooked Pittsburgh rare. It was glorious.

I think I could put down 40 ounces... And in my 20's I'm positive I could have tackled 72 oz's. But now that I'm pushing 40?? I doubt it.

As for heat challenges, me and a few buddies got our hands on a few scorpion peppers...

That was the longest weekend of my life. I think there was a moment where I hallucinated for about a minute.

You're just a wuss and a coward.  Make a bet then ignore it?  Why should anyone believe that you could consume a large amount of meat?
I did something similar to this years ago. It was an 8 pound Burrito. 


Theres a place down in tampa that has 56 ounce version of this too. When the steak is good, there is never enough

Quote:I did something similar to this years ago. It was an 8 pound Burrito. 


Theres a place down in tampa that has 56 ounce version of this too. When the steak is good, there is never enough
True, until your heart stops.
Quote:You're just a wuss and a coward. Make a bet then ignore it? Why should anyone believe that you could consume a large amount of meat?

What are you babbling about? Did you finally have that stroke?
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