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Full Version: "Don't Cry For Jacksonville", MMQB on Dante Fowler Injury
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Quote:I hate how people refer to next year as having two first round picks. No well be getting back an injured player, like the other 10 to 15 guys who end up on IR this season.

I still feel sick to my stomach for DFJ. He's got a great attitude and is getting paid but to take away something you love isn't something to be wished on an enemy.
Well does he seem like he has something taken away that he loves?

My first reaction was the same as everyone else, what a great kid, what a great attitude!

Now on reflection on the great ones, like Boselli, Ronnie Lott, Brackens. Would they be smiling and saying it's just football and acting like it's all gravy after a season ending injury? I haven't seen a picture yet where Fowler wasn't grinning like someone that just got a few million dollars for doing nothing.


Some have commented they have never seen this type of reaction by a seriously injured player. Which is another way of saying it's an extreme rare reaction by the young man.

Every other player I have seen injured like this was holding back tears, then finally get's it together for the press conference to say all the right things about coming back stronger.

Fowler has acted as if it's his birthday from the minute he was carted off. Just saying..He does not seem real broke up over not playing this game he loves much. In fact, not in tiniest way does he seem unhappy, just the opposite. He is saying the right things, "love the game...wait and see".... but this is the type of non stop smiling I would expect from Matt Jones if injured. It's the elephant in the room, and you can't tell me some have not thought it. Given the Jags luck Dante retires after two years and becomes a smiling minister while proclaiming the injury was the best thing that ever happened, it's all God's plan for his life, which was more than football anyway!


Of course that is all negative talk, I realize that. (mixed with some sarcastic bad humor) but there isn't a plus side to this any way it's cut. Even if the attitude is rare and real, even if he rehabs hard and comes back, injuries can lead to more injuries after favoring one leg, and a players career is short as it is.

This talk of having "two 1st rounders" next year is pie in the sky stuff. The people saying "well we didn't need him anyway", or Dante "wouldn't have made a difference" are in denial as well.

If we didn't need him, if he wouldn't make a difference potentially, we didn't need to draft him #3.

That high a pick is for potential studs that DO make a difference immediately. If we are that solid at Leo and the whole D line, so much Fowler isn't even missed, then Jags should have picked Cooper.


We can't go back and do that, so at this point I am backing up and sort of wishing he would have shed one little tear of regret and fear for his career. Right now he seems deliriously happy to be sitting it out all year while shopping for a Mcmansion and a new Benz.

 Gus might have him penciled in for Most Valuable bench cheerleader. That's great.

I hope Gus also CHALLENGES Fowler to be the baddest Mofo in action next year and the player responds accordingly.

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