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Full Version: Mississippi considers firing squad as method of execution
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On a serious note, I'm split on the death penalty.  Over my life I've changed my stance on this issue multiple times.  So much of the time, it would depend on the crime.  A few examples:


...kill and rape children & teenagers?  Boil them alive in a vat of oil.


...kill and/or rape women (or men)?  Electric chair or lethal injection.


...kill someone who slept with your spouse, or kill your spouse for cheating on you?  Probably life in prison.


...kill someone who raped or killed a relative of yours?  Maybe 10 years in prison with early parole for good behavior.

Quote:No as in people who commit manslaughter would be put to work.

Manslaughter generally isnt a capital offense here, it's not really considered "murder" most of the time because it usually lacks intent. Not always, but usually.
Quote:Ever been with a chick that liked to be choked during relations?

There should be a clause for that..
Quote:Ever been with a chick that you had to put a bag over her head?


There should be a clause for that too.
Quote:No.. But been with some who needed a bag though..

You guys are so bad. I LMBO. I guess that means I'm bad too. Lol

You guys are so bad. I LMBO. I guess that means I'm bad too. Lol
Does that mean you put bags over the heads of the chicks you're with too? :woot:


This convo just got hawt
Quote:Does that mean you put bags over the heads of the chicks you're with too? :woot:



I had a double bagger once long ago. In addition to hers I put on one too, just in case she burned through hers.
Quote:I had a double bagger once long ago. In addition to hers I put on one too, just in case she burned through hers.
I was with this one that was so freaky she asked me, "paper or plastic?" :woot:
Quote:I was with this one that was so freaky she asked me, "paper or plastic?" :woot:

I had one like that one time, but her only stipulation was that there had to be a "glory hole" in the plastic.
Quote:Does that mean you put bags over the heads of the chicks you're with too? :woot:


Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. I'll never tell......  Ninja
Quote:Maybe I have, maybe I haven't. I'll never tell...... Ninja

Oh no.. You gotta tell now.. Spill them beans dammit..
I have thought about if I was ever wrongly given a death decree, and I had to choose, that I would pick firing squad over lethal injection. Probably over the gas too. So I am for it.

Quote:Cost of rope - < $10

Cost of tree - free


And it would be "green" by not using any energy.  A win-win all the way around.
Its inhumane if the knot is not done right and you don't break the neck tho. Firing squad is much better.
Quote:Its inhumane if the knot is not done right and you don't break the neck tho. Firing squad is much better.
Unless they miss......
10 modes of execution, arranged in levels from 1-10.

Your mode of execution depends on how bad the jury thinks you were. Jodi Arias might get a level 3, while John Gacy might get a level 9.

Now we just need to fill in the levels, and we're done.



8. Burning at the stake




4. Electric Chair

3. Hanging

2. Gas Chamber

1. Lethal Injection
Quote:Rope is cheaper.


Quote:Cost of rope - < $10

Cost of tree - free


And it would be "green" by not using any energy.  A win-win all the way around.

What execution method do you prefer again?
Quote:Hangings in Mississippi? What an original thought!

I noticed he hasn't expanded on this thought, so he could have been drunk trolling us. 
Quote:10 modes of execution, arranged in levels from 1-10.

Your mode of execution depends on how bad the jury thinks you were. Jodi Arias might get a level 3, while John Gacy might get a level 9.

Now we just need to fill in the levels, and we're done.



8. Burning at the stake




4. Electric Chair

3. Hanging

2. Gas Chamber

1. Lethal Injection

No, that makes the sentence about revenge and not justice. Death by the simplest method possible that doesn't violate the cruel and inhumane standard is fine, the death is the sentence not the method.

Quote:But isn't murder illegal? I'd rather not grant the state the power to murder people.
Well kidnapping is illegal as well and we allow the state to detain people against their will.
Quote:What execution method do you prefer again?

You tell me genius.  I'm waiting for you to say that hanging is racist.
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