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Full Version: Pete Carroll on Jags picking Dante Fowler Jr
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Pretty much every draft Guru loves this kid.

His spider chart sucked though.
He doesn't strike me as the most athletic guy, but hopefully he's got enough to be a really good player.
Quote:His spider chart sucked though.
What is that?
Quote:What is that?

A joke aimed at those who covet spider charts.


Examples of spider charts can be found here, if interested: http://sunnysdelight.tumblr.com/
Also the Redskins And Falcons had Fowler Jr as the top player on their boards.
Quote:A joke aimed at those who covet spider charts.


Examples of spider charts can be found here, if interested: http://sunnysdelight.tumblr.com/

Thank you
Quote:Also the Redskins And Falcons had Fowler Jr as the top player on their boards.

I figured as much.
Haha I have a friend who's a Falcon fan who was praying for Fowler.. He tweeted last night "sucks that such a good player has to go die in Jacksonville"

Quote:Haha I have a friend who's a Falcon fan who was praying for Fowler.. He tweeted last night "sucks that such a good player has to go die in Jacksonville"


Just reply:


Quote:Just reply:


Haha nah man I don't need to say anything. They have accomplished just as much as us...nothing.

We are coming though I believe that!
Quote:But I thought Leonard Williams was the consensus best player in the draft? I thought he was a lock to go in the top 5?

See I don't get these sort of comments or the general anger at people who disagree with the pick. Its not as if Williams isn't Expected to be an excellent player

I expected us to picK Fowler, williams or Beasley at 3 and watched tape on all 3 (I would add stephone Anthony really leaps off the tape and I'm gutted he isn't there at 36). I thought Cooper was too much in a deep wide receiver draft considering our picks last year

I thought Beasley was better suited as a pass rusher than Fowler because he played more out of the 3 point stance where as Fowler rushed more effectively standing up. Beasley however had issues setting the edge but Fowler didn't so to me it was a pretty even match between the two. Fowlers size speed combo gave him a slight edge. My ideal situation was therefore trade to 6 for mariota extra second take whichever remained

When mariota went at 2 that brought Williams into Play. Watching Williams tape the guy is a physical monster that rarely gets pushed back. He plays too high and is sometimes slow off the snap but he doesn't even begin to realise his physical potential but stilL provided consistent pressure in college which was a big issue last year. I felt with marks out and our defense often looking burned out towards the end of games a physically imposing high potential guy that could play anywhere on the d line would be the better pick

Don't see what the issue is with that?
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