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Full Version: Would you rather have nipple for fingers or fingers for nipples?
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Perk up...it's not so bad

Quote:You do that anyway.

Only on paydays.. Way too expensive
Should have done a poll. Think the consensus has been fingers for nipples though right?
Quote:Should have done a poll. Think the consensus has been fingers for nipples though right?

I think that Winger would accept the poll for the right amount of money.
By far, best thread of this entire offseason. While both sides have some pretty good advantages. I'm going to go finger for nipples. Although I would like it if I could do that and have one hand nipples for fingers. My left hand is useless soo why not.
fingers for nips hands down. way more functional, and nipples as fingers would be the opposite. 

Nipples for fingers wuld mean I'd have to give up playing guitar...

Quote:Nipples for fingers wuld mean I'd have to give up playing guitar...

Well some of us play guitar FOR the nipples.. Nipples for fingers would just mean less trying
Quote:Well some of us play guitar FOR the nipples.. Nipples for fingers would just mean less trying
True, but calloused nipples and the inability to make a barre chord would be a deal breaker...
Quote:True, but calloused nipples and the inability to make a barre chord would be a deal breaker...

Pfffft.. Drop D and wing it.
Quote:Pfffft.. Drop D and wing it.

We save the drop D's for the last set when the level of alcohol in our blood overrides the ability to fret properly.
Quote:We save the drop D's for the last set when the level of alcohol in our blood overrides the ability to fret properly.

Or when you have nipples for fingers
Quote:Or when you have nipples for fingers

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