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Quote:Regardless of anyone's feelings or evaluation of Poz, that first bolded statement is a gross over-simplification of the issue.  Your point is still valid, it's just not as all-encompassing and widespread as you suggest.  Poz was  not able to affect completions to TEs in his zone as frequently as you would like to see happen from a highly paid MLB.  That was true on at least a dozen occasions over the past two seasons by my estimation.  And it is an issue. However- 

"Many of the big gains happening right over the middle" is way too broad a stroke and includes many more players screwing up.  Especially the safeties. 


In regard to the second bolded statement (well,both statements really) -  Did you notice where New England targeted the Seahawks defense heavily in their Super Bowl win?  

Right over the middle. It's a weakness in this Bradley/Carroll scheme.  The teams that have played Seattle well in the past couple of years have figured that out -  and last year we saw more teams at least try to do it. Dallas did it very well also. 

Obviously - it's easier to capitalize upon such a weakness when facing the '14  Jags LB rotation and safeties than Seattles finely tuned machine.  


Poz isn't going to pass cover like Bobby Wagner, but he can do a good job for the Jags until they find their own Bobby Wagner. Lord knows they don't grow on trees. 
Poz led the LBs in ints and pass defenses, so he was obviously more effective in coverage than our other LBs.


When you MLB is getting stuck covering TEs, that means either a S or OLB has blown his assignment or the other team is exploiting a flaw in the scheme.


What happened to the good ole days when the board was blaming our Safeties or OLBs for not covering TEs? Poz comes along and it's suddenly all his fault. Oh yeah, it's because Alfie said so.


The reality is that people on this board have no clue as to who is responsible for covering what. If they did, you wouldn't keep hearing the coaching staff gushing over Poz and he wouldn't be getting an extension, he would be getting replaced.
This was just a move to lower his cap number. Lewis will more than likely sign an extension soon with the same thought in mind, or else he will be cut by the end of summer.

Quote:Regardless of anyone's feelings or evaluation of Poz, that first bolded statement is a gross over-simplification of the issue.  Your point is still valid, it's just not as all-encompassing and widespread as you suggest.  Poz was  not able to affect completions to TEs in his zone as frequently as you would like to see happen from a highly paid MLB.  That was true on at least a dozen occasions over therapist two seasons by my estimation.  And it is an issue. However- 

"Many of the big gains happening right over the middle" is way too broad a stroke and includes many more players screwing up.  Especially the safeties. 


In regard to the second bolded statement (well,both statements really) -  Did you notice where New England targeted the Seahawks defense heavily in their Super Bowl win?  

Right over the middle. It's a weakness in this Bradley/Carroll scheme.  The teams that have played Seattle well in the past couple of years have figured that out -  and last year we saw more teams at least try to do it. Dallas did it very well also. 

Obviously - it's easier to capitalize upon such a weakness when facing the '14  Jags LB rotation and safeties than Seattles finely tuned machine.  


Poz isn't going to pass cover like Bobby Wagner, but he can do a good job for the Jags until they find their own Bobby Wagner. Lord knows they don't grow on trees. 
While I don't presume to have the 'football savy' to argue about the middle being a weakness of the Bradley/Carroll scheme, I do think that any given professional scheme relies far more heavily on the proper execution by the players than on the inherit strength of the scheme for it to work; actually, I guess that's kind'a true of pretty much all of team competition. The greatest plans of the greatest generals will not work if their soldiers can't shoot straight. 


So I won't/can't argue the validity of your point. I do agree that my statement that Poz is the reason the middle was targeted so much, could have been more lucid. The fact is, football is a team sport and no one individual is the sole cause of success or failure. That being said (I had thought it understood prior to it being pointed out)... I stand by my assertion that Poz is a primary (not the sole) impetus for the success the last couple of seasons of our opponents passing in the middle. 


Obviously, we could do worse than Poz for a linebacker; nevertheless, I hope we can do better (especially in obvious passing situations). Maybe we'll pick someone up in the draft who can handle this particular situation better than Poz has been doing right away. Maybe not. Either way, I surely wasn't suggesting that we throw Poz under the bus; rather, I'm hoping that we do a better job of game planning our defense knowing what our strengths... and weaknesses... are. 

1 vote YES


I'm happy with this.

Quote:This was just a move to lower his cap number. Lewis will more than likely sign an extension soon with the same thought in mind, or else he will be cut by the end of summer.

You want to see this board melt down?  Let that happen.


BTW, it wouldn't surprise me to see the team do exactly that.

Quote:Not very fond of this move, Poz is declining and becoming a liability. Was hoping for our 2nd pick to be a MLB to replace Poz but looks like that's not happening now
This doesn't prevent them from still drafting a LB. Its a 1 year extension.
You know, when Double D was there, teams rarely ever thought to throw over the middle regardless of who was playing LB.

Quote:Probably indicates a restructuring of his contract. Dave has a good track record working with veterans to make these contracts team friendly.

Im speculating but: The final year may be non guaranteed so in reality if he can play the contract out he is cheaper and if not, easier to cut.

Cha Ching.  They were just talking about this on 1010xl.  It pretty much guarantees a roster spot in 2015 at a lower salary and the following year is not guaranteed.  Poz gets the benefit of a roster spot this year and we get him at a lower $ rate.
Here's a thought....  Prior to this extension, Poz had a salary of $7.5m per season over the next 2 years.  Someone trading for him would be taking on the remaining 2 year deal and the high salary.  If Caldwell had wanted to trade him, Poz's value in a trade would likely have been minimal to nothing, due to a short overpriced deal.  


In this extension, the Jags lengthened the deal by a year and converted future base salary into bonus money today (presumably).  A team wanting to trade for Poz's services, would now more highly value a trade as there is now 3 years remaining on Poz's inherited contract and the base salaries going forward would be less.  There is a possibility Caldwell did the extension in order to set up trade value for Poz.  Hmmmmmm.   

Poz will retire a Jag
Im not upset about the extension. Im just lost at the explanation from some of the posters here.


Can anybody PLEASE show me where his speed is at? Im just asking. I would like proof.

Love this move
<a class="" href='https://twitter.com/RapSheet'>Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/588754188613525504' title="1:21 PM - 16 Apr 2015">9m9 minutes ago</a>
<p class="" style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">With his extension, <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/hashtag/Jaguars?src=hash'>#Jaguars</a> LB Paul Posluszny will earn $15M (up to $18M) over 3 years, source said. Was to earn $7.5M per year the next 2

Quote:This doesn't prevent them from still drafting a LB. Its a 1 year extension.



There's no rush to replace.


At the same time, the best time to find a future replacement is before you need one.  They can shop without pressure.

<div style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet  9m9 minutes ago
<p style="color:rgb(41,47,51);font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">With his extension, #Jaguars LB Paul Posluszny will earn $15M (up to $18M) over 3 years, source said. Was to earn $7.5M per year the next 2


So basically an extra year for the same money? Seems like a good deal to me. 
Quote:So basically an extra year for the same money? Seems like a good deal to me. 
Quote:Poz still has plenty of speed. The guy plays at a near Pro Bowl level and doesn't deserve half the smack he gets from this board.
I agree
Quote:Im not upset about the extension. Im just lost at the explanation from some of the posters here.

Can anybody PLEASE show me where his speed is at? Im just asking. I would like proof.

Go watch week 1 at PHI. He repeatedly chased down Leseasn McCoy.
Quote:Poz still has plenty of speed. The guy plays at a near Pro Bowl level and doesn't deserve half the smack he gets from this board.

At a near Pro Bowl level? Nah. Is he an average, aging backer who is less than ideal for the era he is playing in? Yes. He probably gets more flack than he deserves, but he is certainly not the superstar so many others make him out to be. When he went down, JT Thomas stepped in and the defense didn't skip a beat, and in many ways improved. I like Poz, great leader, great guy, but much of his criticism is justified. 
Quote:Poz will retire a Jag

I hope so
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