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Full Version: Allen Robinson's comments on missing the Super Bowl
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Quote:Objectional isn't always negitive. It is reality. How can you defend someone who says London feels like a real home game. And The fans here don't support us.

The reality is Allen Robinson had one bad season, which happened to be the same year Blake Bortles regressed by not working on his mechanics. So looking at it objectively, it is illogical to base Robinson's talent on the 2016 season. That is being negative about the Jaguars when you ignore Robinson's first two seasons.
JW, what you quoted has nothing to do with on the field ability, it has everything to do with off the field.  Your comment only talked about on the field.  Nobody is saying he was bad in 2016 or that he regressed, we are talking about the things he has said off the field or the sluggish attitude he had on the field at times throughout the 2016 season.  It's not a very smart move to talk about the fans or the team the way he has.

Quote:JW, what you quoted has nothing to do with on the field ability, it has everything to do with off the field.  Your comment only talked about on the field.  Nobody is saying he was bad in 2016 or that he regressed, we are talking about the things he has said off the field or the sluggish attitude he had on the field at times throughout the 2016 season.  It's not a very smart move to talk about the fans or the team the way he has.

It is not very smart for fans to give him something to complain about. He is 100 percent correct about fans not showing their support for the team. He may have said the wrong things in the wrong setting, but that does not make him wrong.
Slow down JW, your ignorance is showing.  When a guy says that London is better than his home crowd, the fans didn't have to give them anything to complain about.  After what I sit through all year and watch AT THE GAME then I can boo when the offense is as inept as its been. How else should we get our point across that the pitiful record isn't what it should be or what they are doing isn't good enough?


Listen, you've done this back and forth with others on the board.  I honestly think you do things here just to push buttons and annoy people.  There really can't be another explanation.  I used to give you the benefit of the doubt.  No more.

Quote:Slow down JW, your ignorance is showing.  When a guy says that London is better than his home crowd, the fans didn't have to give them anything to complain about.  After what I sit through all year and watch AT THE GAME then I can boo when the offense is as inept as its been. How else should we get our point across that the pitiful record isn't what it should be or what they are doing isn't good enough?


Listen, you've done this back and forth with others on the board.  I honestly think you do things here just to push buttons and annoy people.  There really can't be another explanation.  I used to give you the benefit of the doubt.  No more.

I can't make you believe the truth or change your opinions, but this is a fact: I only come here to discuss football. There is no reason to deny that outside of your own head.
Quote:It is not very smart for fans to give him something to complain about. He is 100 percent correct about fans not showing their support for the team. He may have said the wrong things in the wrong setting, but that does not make him wrong.
He really has no room to complain. The fans he has referred to previously pay a premium to see him play a child's game, and they pay dearly. You wouldn't understand because you don't have season tickets. When he complains about the fans booing, he's ignoring the fact that there's a reason they're doing so, and that they are entitled to express their opinions any way they see fit. That doesn't make them any less of a fan. They're invested. Are you?
Quote:The fans he was referring to pay to see him play a child's game, and they pay dearly.  You wouldn't understand because you don't have season tickets.  When he complains about the fans booing, he's ignoring the fact that there's a reason they're doing so, and that they are entitled to express their opinions any way they see fit.  That doesn't make them any less of a fan.  They're invested.  Are you?

When fans buy tickets, Shad Khan is happy. Booing at the stadium has no effect on his wallet. If fans show up and boo, how does that help the team? The same way it helps when they show up and cheer: more money for Khan. So there isn't any reason to go to a game and boo.
Quote:When fans buy tickets, Shad Khan is happy. Booing at the stadium has no effect on his wallet. If fans show up and boo, how does that help the team? The same way it helps when they show up and cheer: more money for Khan. So there isn't any reason to go to a game and boo.
They are booing cause the tickets (money)  they paid for on the product (football team) is poor.  Do you not complain when receive a product and does not work right?  So if you bought a headset and you can't hear music out of it.  Do you not complain to the returns department?  The players are the returns department.  (Customer Service Desk)


They are not getting what they paid for. 


Another example.  If you go to a concert.  Take Metallica as an example.   And Lars the drummer.  Is out of sync the entire show.  Do you not boo Lars?   Cause ruined your experience?


  No.  You defend the drummer who is supposed to have working equipment and supposed to be a pro and preform to his best? How does that make any sense?  If Lars blames the paying customer and says "you should of enjoyed the show anyway"


You take his side why?   


And just an example: Lars rocks and love Metallica. 

FYI I don't know anything about specific music groups except their names and who performed at the Super Bowl. It is just not my thing - only whether I liked what I heard or not matters. So I will never understand that one.


If a product does not work, I simply return it. I don't complain. My keyboard suddenly died after working perfectly for eight weeks. Because nothing was wrong with it for those eight weeks, I ordered an identical keyboard as a replacement.


When I went to Jaguars games, I never thought about booing. I cheered. Was I disappointed many of our drives ended with punts? Of course. But there were also some things to cheer about during those games.

Quote:FYI I don't know anything about specific music groups except their names and who performed at the Super Bowl. It is just not my thing - only whether I liked what I heard or not matters. So I will never understand that one.


If a product does not work, I simply return it. I don't complain. My keyboard suddenly died after working perfectly for eight weeks. Because nothing was wrong with it for those eight weeks, I ordered an identical keyboard as a replacement.


When I went to Jaguars games, I never thought about booing. I cheered. Was I disappointed many of our drives ended with punts? Of course. But there were also some things to cheer about during those games.


But there is a difference from going to one and numerous in a row.   And no changes.  This is 8 years in a row of poor product.  So no you can't possibly relate, nor can I. 
Quote:But there is a difference from going to one and numerous in a row.   And no changes.  This is 8 years in a row of poor product.  So no you can't possibly relate, nor can I. 

There are a lot of changes now.
There are not a lot of changes now.  The Patriots won 17 games this year.  The Jaguars have won 17 games in the past 5 years.  Those are not positive changes, that is pathetic.  The team has regressed in many areas.


You root for other teams in the NFL, you do not have nearly the amount of time invested in the Jaguars as I do.  I've been a fan of this team since 95.  I've seen all the good times and the bad....when the Jaguars are bad, you have no problem jumping on another teams bandwagon.  That's not a real fan.  Let's not even get into the thousands of dollars I've poured into the team.  You have 0 right to tell anyone that is at a game or purchases a ticket when or when not to boo, especially after the product that's been on the field.  If this team was good and had a bad game people would give them a pass, but there have been too many bad games.

There's also the fact that the Jags have actually won during Robinson's two trips to London--something they rarely do in Jacksonville.
Quote:There are a lot of changes now.

I believe the "change" he's referring to is the outcome.


The changes on the front end have been an exercise in futility if they don't propagate positive change on the back end.
Since losing to the cheatriots in 07. We have not had winning seasons.

And have picked in top 10 what the last 5 years? Top five at least half that.

That is not a successful team. In denver or greenbay.

They be out with pitch forks if either team was bad that long.

So yes. The fans have every right to boo. For peewee football play.

And hear alot of empty promises year after year.

But the product on the field remains subpar at best.

While winning changes everything. We have not won.

And if it takes London for us to win games? Then we need more professional players. Who put the heart and soul into it every game.

Not just London.

So yes the fans are right. The players are wrong.

You can see the difference between players who come from winning teams in college and Nfl and those who do not.

The goal in the nfl is winning period. If not winning replaced for those who want to win!

That is why I am a Jaguars fan and not insert player. Football is a team sport. And once so and so moves on. I am done rooting for him.

And on to the next. How it should be.
This dude needs to mature and get better at playing football.  I hope the silly training glasses help him drop less footballs next year.

I see MJF is getting the attention it desires.

Quote:There are not a lot of changes now.  The Patriots won 17 games this year.  The Jaguars have won 17 games in the past 5 years.  Those are not positive changes, that is pathetic.  The team has regressed in many areas.


You root for other teams in the NFL, you do not have nearly the amount of time invested in the Jaguars as I do.  I've been a fan of this team since 95.  I've seen all the good times and the bad....when the Jaguars are bad, you have no problem jumping on another teams bandwagon.  That's not a real fan.  Let's not even get into the thousands of dollars I've poured into the team.  You have 0 right to tell anyone that is at a game or purchases a ticket when or when not to boo, especially after the product that's been on the field.  If this team was good and had a bad game people would give them a pass, but there have been too many bad games.

How about the Tom Coughlin hire and most 2016 coaches being replaced? How about not having Gus Bradley in charge anymore? How about the huge roster turnover? Tell me how that is not a lot of changes in Jacksonville.


You know for a fact I never jumped on any other team's bandwagon. I said many times Jacksonville is the LAST team I began rooting for!


People like you are the reason I was suspended four times. If everybody did the right thing I would have posted all of my 46 days off.


JW, want to know how many times I've been banned?  Zero.  Want to know why?  I know how to follow the rules.  You continue to do the same thing over and over here, you refuse to take other peoples advice, and you really don't seem to care about other peoples opinions.  At one point you had a lot of people that stuck up for you (I was one of them) but after a while your belittling talking down to people wears them down.

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