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Full Version: Interesting take on the radical Islam issue in Germany
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I'll speak on this. My wife and her family were immigrants in the early 1990's during the Bosnian War. They had to flee for Germany and they eventually earned their way here to Jacksonville, FL. My mother-in-law brushed up on her English, got a degree in the medical field at the same time, and quickly made it up to a six figure salary. She and her family lived the American dream essentially. 


Last year, she got a job with the US Air Force in Germany. She chose to live off base. Me and my wife visited the place back in August of last year. Great little countryside town not too far away from the base. Her mom decided to take an opportunity to move there for at least four years until the contract is up. They ALREADY want to come back home here in Jacksonville just after eight months of being in Germany. 


About a month after me and my wife left. So, this was about roughly three months ago. Their home was broken into while they spent a week away in Bosnia to visit friends, cousins and family. They lost electronics, televisions, quality clothes and purses, jewelry, etc. The German police essentially told them they were SOL. Couldn't help them. Couldn't track anything down for them. They were obviously pretty [BAD WORD REMOVED] off about that. 


Now, here's the kicker. My mother-in-law's macbook was stolen during that invasion. Mac has tracking devices in their products. The Police STILL refused to follow up on the address and would not assist in anyway. My father-in-law took it upon himself to go to that address to maybe see who they were. Sure enough, it was in a poor area in Germany and it was a Muslim community. 


Now, just so people understand. My in-laws are good people. In fact, there's a few people in my wife's side of the family who practice Islam. Her grandfather on her mother's side was Muslim. They practiced it themselves until the War in the 1990s in which her parents said to hell with it and dropped it all completely. Her father's not religious at all though. So, there's no reason for them to make that up. 


Either way. They got jacked out of a solid $10,000 worth of personal items. And it's sad. But in the 15+ years they were here in Jacksonville. Not a single break in had happened. Nothing was ever stolen from them, etc. And, people can say whatever they want about our Police here. But you know damn well they would have gotten their property back if they had an ADDRESS OF A STOLEN ITEM. They would have at least got answers or a response. 


And if you want to know what's truly going on in Germany and other parts of the world impacted by mass immigration. Do yourself a major favor. DO NOT get the bulk of your news from the MSM. Go online, go on Youtube. You'll find plenty of random Vlogers that will tell you of personal accounts of what's going on over there. Look up whats happened in Sweden. 

Europe is being destroyed on purpose.  Gone in 10 years or less.

What do you mean by gone?
Quote:What do you mean by gone?

Rome, 476 CE
Quote:What do you mean by gone?
When your native people have a low birth rate and you import millions of people who have lots of kids, you replace the entire culture over time. If you removed everyone from Japan and replaced them with migrants from Syria, would it still be Japan? It's demographic suicide. 
Yeah exactly. Got to feel for those native Americans.

I think you've been watching a bit too much Fox news and think those boogeyman Muslims are a higher percentage than they actually are in European countries. I think it's less than 5 percent in the UK.
That's an interesting look at things. The native Americans had a bunch of uninvited immigrants show up to colonize their county and lost most of their culture in the process.

Hmmm...if only we know who was responsible for that colonization. Oh wait, we do.
Quote:Yeah exactly. Got to feel for those native Americans.

I think you've been watching a bit too much Fox news and think those boogeyman Muslims are a higher percentage than they actually are in European countries. I think it's less than 5 percent in the UK.

Really? I guess 5% can have a huge impact there.

Quote:Yeah exactly. Got to feel for those native Americans.

I think you've been watching a bit too much Fox news and think those boogeyman Muslims are a higher percentage than they actually are in European countries. I think it's less than 5 percent in the UK.
Maybe you should look it up to be sure.
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