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Full Version: Attorney General hands Trump an "L", says to DOJ....Don't defend the Muslim Ban.
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Quote:"Mr. Trump has the authority to fire Ms. Yates, but as the top Senate-confirmed official at the Justice Department, she is the only one authorized to sign foreign surveillance warrants, an essential function at the department."

So basically he has put the whole country at risk since we will not be able sign a foreign surveillance warrant? The terrorists just won. Either he really doesn't know what he is doing or he is deliberately trying to weaken America.

[Image: zvtz51.jpg]
[Image: 46GbX.gif]

Quote:No, the democrats put the country at risk by unnecessarily blocking Sessions.

..and how is it the Dems to blame when Trump fired the AG before a replacement was confirmed?

Surely one of his advisors understands government and surely he considered their counsel before making this move.
It's not a Muslim Ban....... 


Tired of hearing that crap everywhere I look. And once more the hypocrisy continues..... 

If he's "just doing what he said he would do," why is Spicer continually trotted out to spread disinformation?
People do realize these countries that were banned were on Obama's recommended list yeah? And where were these [BAD WORD REMOVED] neoliberals and deomcrats and self righteous Holywood mindless drones at in 2011 when Obama slowed down Iraqi refugees from entering the country for six months? 


Not a peep was heard then. And then you want to blame this poor [BAD WORD REMOVED] Trump for trying to protect us from potential threats that were developed thanks to Obama's failures in Libya and Syria and the dismantling that incurred over in the ME. 

Quote:People do realize these countries that were banned were on Obama's recommended list yeah? And where were these [BAD WORD REMOVED] neoliberals and deomcrats and self righteous Holywood mindless drones at in 2011 when Obama slowed down Iraqi refugees from entering the country for six months?

Not a peep was heard then. And then you want to blame this poor [BAD WORD REMOVED] Trump for trying to protect us from potential threats that were developed thanks to Obama's failures in Libya and Syria and the dismantling that incurred over in the ME.

Liberals are running scared and acting out because they have no leadership right now. They really can't look to the House, Senate or Presidency. The only makeshift leadership they have right now is the brainwashing media and you can really see the fruits of media's labor.
Quote:"Mr. Trump has the authority to fire Ms. Yates, but as the top Senate-confirmed official at the Justice Department, she is the only one authorized to sign foreign surveillance warrants, an essential function at the department."

So basically he has put the whole country at risk since we will not be able sign a foreign surveillance warrant? The terrorists just won. Either he really doesn't know what he is doing or he is deliberately trying to weaken America.

Sessions will be confirmed in what, 24 hours? Breathe Kotite.... Breathe
Quote:If he's "just doing what he said he would do," why is Spicer continually trotted out to spread disinformation?

The press secretary dealing with the press? It must be Putin
Quote:..and how is it the Dems to blame when Trump fired the AG before a replacement was confirmed?

Surely one of his advisors understands government and surely he considered their counsel before making this move.

Because the fired staffer was a publicly insubordinate Dem hold over? You gotta stop man, these mental gymnastics are gonna put you in the hospital.
Quote:The press secretary dealing with the press? It must be Putin

No. Flat out lying. Not spin or interpretation. Saying things that are straight up false. Untrue. Not negotiable. Bull [BLEEP].
Quote:No. Flat out lying. Not spin or interpretation. Saying things that are straight up false. Untrue. Not negotiable. Bull [BAD WORD REMOVED].

The stress is causing your internal organs to age exponentially. Are you gonna make it through 8 yrs?
Quote:The stress is causing your internal organs to age exponentially. Are you gonna make it through 8 yrs?

They've been on suicide watch since 3:05
Quote:The stress is causing your internal organs to age exponentially. Are you gonna make it through 8 yrs?

I'm not stressed. I'm disgusted.
It's a Trump action, I must be outraged!! Rabble, rabble.
Quote:It's a Trump action, I must be outraged!! Rabble, rabble.

Mainly it's caused by surfing the lefty sites looking for debate topics to throw down on other message boards and getting all worked up by the super hyperbolic tone. It's like they gather in a room, feed off each other's spittle-flecked frenzy, and then go screaming maniacally into the night.
I'm glad she did this to show her traitorous stripes.


Hope that tanks her career.


Goodbye... you're fired.


Keep draining the swamp of the garbage.

Quote:Keep draining the swamp of the garbage.
I don't lie on either side of the political line but I do find the "drain the swamp" statement pretty ironic through the majority of Trump's nominations… The money trail from corporate titans and political backers (i.e. Big Pharma, Koch Brothers, etc) is not too hard to find. Obviously the Hill dog was supported by the political puppeteers, but this whole "drain the swamp and replace them with the same muck" is comical.


Politics is dirty and money talks… 
Quote:I don't lie on either side of the political line but I do find the "drain the swamp" statement pretty ironic through the majority of Trump's nominations… The money trail from corporate titans and political backers (i.e. Big Pharma, Koch Brothers, etc) is not too hard to find. Obviously the Hill dog was supported by the political puppeteers, but this whole "drain the swamp and replace them with the same muck" is comical.


Politics is dirty and money talks… 
Except the POTUS team is having to sign a code of ethics agreement valid for five years to try and avoid the lobbying you are talking about. While it may have limited impact, it is at least trying to do something, which is commendable.
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