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I have a question about autism. I know that it usually starts showing up in a child that's around the age when they would be getting vaccinated, but can a perfectly "normal" five or six year old suddenly turn autistic?
Quote:I have a question about autism. I know that it usually starts showing up in a child that's around the age when they would be getting vaccinated, but can a perfectly "normal" five or six year old suddenly turn autistic?

It's not reasonable to believe that could happen because the basis of Autism is a neurological mutation that occurs in the first 8 weeks of development from conception.


Here's the Abstract to the paper where I got my own info on the topic:


Autism spectrum disorders affect behaviors that emerge at ages when typically developing children become increasingly social and communicative, but many lines of evidence suggest that the underlying alterations in the brain occur long before the period when symptoms become obvious. Studies of the behavior of children in the first year of life demonstrate that symptoms are often detectable in the first 6 months. The environmental factors known to increase the risk of autism have critical periods of action during embryogenesis. Minor malformations that occur frequently in people with autism are known to arise in the same stages of development. Anomalies reported from histological studies of the brain are consistent with an early alteration of development. Congenital syndromes with high rates of autism include somatic that originate early in the first trimester. In addition, it is possible to duplicate a number of anatomic and behavioral features characteristic of human cases by exposing rat embryos to a teratogenic dose of valproic acid at the time of neural tube closure.


<span>Arndt TL, Stodgell CJ, Rodier PM (2005). "The teratology of autism". </span>
So really, the only way vaccines cause Autism is if we're using a time travel device to administer them In Utero.

Quote:It's not reasonable to believe that could happen because the basis of Autism is a neurological mutation that occurs in the first 8 weeks of development from conception.


Here's the Abstract to the paper where I got my own info on the topic:


Autism spectrum disorders affect behaviors that emerge at ages when typically developing children become increasingly social and communicative, but many lines of evidence suggest that the underlying alterations in the brain occur long before the period when symptoms become obvious. Studies of the behavior of children in the first year of life demonstrate that symptoms are often detectable in the first 6 months. The environmental factors known to increase the risk of autism have critical periods of action during embryogenesis. Minor malformations that occur frequently in people with autism are known to arise in the same stages of development. Anomalies reported from histological studies of the brain are consistent with an early alteration of development. Congenital syndromes with high rates of autism include somatic that originate early in the first trimester. In addition, it is possible to duplicate a number of anatomic and behavioral features characteristic of human cases by exposing rat embryos to a teratogenic dose of valproic acid at the time of neural tube closure.


Arndt TL, Stodgell CJ, Rodier PM (2005). "The teratology of autism".

Okay...that's what I was wondering, so why don't these whack jobs get their kids vaccinated when they get a little older if they still don't believe the science that vaccinations don't cause autism?
Quote:Okay...that's what I was wondering, so why don't these whack jobs get their kids vaccinated when they get a little older if they still don't believe the science that vaccinations don't cause autism?

Mostly because the anti-vaxxer position is much deeper than just #becauseAutism. They're opposed to the components, the schedule, the science, the math, the manufacturers, the development process, the proponents and anything else to do with vaccination.
Quote:Mostly because the anti-vaxxer position is much deeper than just #becauseAutism. They're opposed to the components, the schedule, the science, the math, the manufacturers, the development process, the proponents and anything else to do with vaccination.

So #BecauseStupid :thumbsup:
Quote:So #BecauseStupid :thumbsup:



[That's why I like this poster.
Quote:I still have no clue what the agenda you are trying to push is ever since your off topic diatribe.

Sorry but I'm having a hard time digesting this statement.

For reference, It was a little joke playing off your aversion towards McCarthy in this very thread, IIRC.

BTW, what'd you edit?
Quote:Sorry but I'm having a hard time digesting this statement.

For reference, It was a little joke playing off your aversion towards McCarthy in this very thread, IIRC.

BTW, what'd you edit?
Missed a word caught it after I posted.


You went on some rant earlier in the thread about GMO's or some such thing that had nothing to do with vaccination. Very tinfoily in nature. 
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