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Quote:The receivers on both teams seemed to get a lot more separation than our receivers are able to get. Also, my observation was that the officials were allowing a lot more contact between defenders and receivers than they allow in the regular season. I liked that.......let them battle for the ball a little more. It took the refs out of the game. It was well-officiated.

Regular season that collision while the ball was in the air for the slant would be defensive pass interference.  I know the defender has a right for the ball but they typically don't like bone jarring contact against receivers.  When you consider the penalties, the officiating was very fair.  Seattle got a break on the Kicker penalty and the Pats got a break on the tripping play.  Honestly I hope they circulate this game tape and say take this hands off approach.
Quote:The receivers on both teams seemed to get a lot more separation than our receivers are able to get. Also, my observation was that the officials were allowing a lot more contact between defenders and receivers than they allow in the regular season. I liked that.......let them battle for the ball a little more. It took the refs out of the game. It was well-officiated.
Yeah, I was kind'a noticing that too. There seemed to be a lot of pushing off to get separation that I'm pretty sure would've been called during the regular season.
Quote:muddylips, I agree and disagree with you.


This teams problem is clearly the raw talent at the skill positions.  The defensive game plans are so successful against this team because no one is winning their one on one challenges.  The offensive line would look better if anyone was a play maker for our team.


Honestly, I think this was the most no name player team the Patriots have had in a superbowl.  Gronk is the one spot where you can say top 5 for his position.  Of course Brady is the reason.
I admit I just don't  know what to think after watching the SB and then thinking about the Jags. Are we that bad, or are these play off teams that good? I suppose that the end result is the same either way you cut it. I know the owner, GM and HC knew without a doubt (how could they not?) that by gutting the team and re-building primarily via the draft would be a long, painfully slow process. I have to wonder though if they realized that in the process they (and the fans) would have to endure the 'perfect storm' situation; a weak o-line, a rookie quarterback with problems with his fundamentals, and mostly rookie receivers. 


If the guys we've got can just develop into play makers, then it will have been worth it; I just wonder if it will happen... and when.

Quote:Watching the SB one of the things that I took away from it was the amount of time that the pats and 'hawks give their quarterback to set up and make good throws. That was also true watching the 'hawks and packers play. Those quarterbacks have time to sit back there and read a book! Now think of what it's been like for the jags quarterbacks for around the last twelve years or so.


The contrast is startling! Even my wife, who isn't that much of a fan, noticed the amount of time the Aaron Rogers, Russell Wilson and Tom Brady have (usually) to set up and throw the ball. No wonder those quarterbacks seem really good... they have exceptional offensive linesmen in front of them!


In my opinion... our focus needs to be on our o-line. I'm sorry, but a first round draft pick linesman shouldn't need years of experience to just become average. Not all first rounders are gonna work out and right now I'm concerned that Joelckel might be a bust. If he was a later round pick I'd be a little more forgiving, but for a first rounder he's been pretty disappointing.


Watching good teams with a good o-line just makes what we've got here seem so much worse.

Wilson does a lot in the pocket with his footwork and it's hard to pressure the guy too much when you've got to worry about Lynch taking the football and running up the sideline with it.


Brady in that game was getting the football out of his hands within 2.8 - 3.0 seconds of taking the snap and dropping back to pass. He's a thinking man's QB at the end of the day and 9 times out of 10 he knows exactly what he wants to do with that football and what he needs to do to get the coverage out of position with his eyes. It's the same thing Manning has done throughout his career.


That's not a knock against their pass protection though. Both teams have invested quality picks on quality lineman and it does show up on gamedays.

Quote:Russell has awful pass protection

He got sacked once in the SB. They blocked well for him.
I think about the Brunell lead Jaguars and that really good line still only worked because we had guys winning their match ups.  I really hope the young guys on our team start to win some of their match ups next year and I hope we find some kinda of player that can be an outlet for BB5.

Quote:Watching the SB one of the things that I took away from it was the amount of time that the pats and 'hawks give their quarterback to set up and make good throws. That was also true watching the 'hawks and packers play. Those quarterbacks have time to sit back there and read a book! Now think of what it's been like for the jags quarterbacks for around the last twelve years or so.


The contrast is startling! Even my wife, who isn't that much of a fan, noticed the amount of time the Aaron Rogers, Russell Wilson and Tom Brady have (usually) to set up and throw the ball. No wonder those quarterbacks seem really good... they have exceptional offensive linesmen in front of them!


In my opinion... our focus needs to be on our o-line. I'm sorry, but a first round draft pick linesman shouldn't need years of experience to just become average. Not all first rounders are gonna work out and right now I'm concerned that Joelckel might be a bust. If he was a later round pick I'd be a little more forgiving, but for a first rounder he's been pretty disappointing.


Watching good teams with a good o-line just makes what we've got here seem so much worse.

Russell Wilson is highly overrated in the NFL.  If you put him on the Jaguars team I doubt he wouldve been as successful as he currently is on the best Defense in the NFL.  His OLine provides him with tons of time, and he has the beast Lynch to hand off to or throw short when he does get rushed.  He isnt bad at QB dont get me wrong but he is not Tom Brady if they both had to go against the Seattle Defense without the ability to hand off Wilson wouldve thrown way more interceptions.
Quote:Russell Wilson is highly overrated in the NFL.  If you put him on the Jaguars team I doubt he wouldve been as successful as he currently is on the best Defense in the NFL.  His OLine provides him with tons of time, and he has the beast Lynch to hand off to or throw short when he does get rushed.  He isnt bad at QB dont get me wrong but he is not Tom Brady if they both had to go against the Seattle Defense without the ability to hand off Wilson wouldve thrown way more interceptions.

I agree, without Lynch or their D, Wilson would be another Jake Locker.
Quote:Watching the SB one of the things that I took away from it was the amount of time that the pats and 'hawks give their quarterback to set up and make good throws. That was also true watching the 'hawks and packers play. Those quarterbacks have time to sit back there and read a book! Now think of what it's been like for the jags quarterbacks for around the last twelve years or so.


The contrast is startling! Even my wife, who isn't that much of a fan, noticed the amount of time the Aaron Rogers, Russell Wilson and Tom Brady have (usually) to set up and throw the ball. No wonder those quarterbacks seem really good... they have exceptional offensive linesmen in front of them!


In my opinion... our focus needs to be on our o-line. I'm sorry, but a first round draft pick linesman shouldn't need years of experience to just become average. Not all first rounders are gonna work out and right now I'm concerned that Joelckel might be a bust. If he was a later round pick I'd be a little more forgiving, but for a first rounder he's been pretty disappointing.


Watching good teams with a good o-line just makes what we've got here seem so much worse.
I want to see how the O-Line does under an actual O-Line coach, not an assistant filling in for the O-Line coach. Butkus wasn't ready for the role and it showed in the apparent regression in our O-Line.

Quote:I agree, without Lynch or their D, Wilson would be another Jake Locker.

Imagine if Tom Brady was on Seattle going against Patriots Defense he probably wouldve had enough sense not to keep throwing towards Butler whom was having a great game as opposed to Revis whom was getting owned most of the game.
These guys know how to set the right protections. They always keep the inside clear of rushers so they can step up.

Quote:The receivers on both teams seemed to get a lot more separation than our receivers are able to get. Also, my observation was that the officials were allowing a lot more contact between defenders and receivers than they allow in the regular season. I liked that.......let them battle for the ball a little more. It took the refs out of the game. It was well-officiated.

It looks like that sometimes in this game (mostly because Chris Matthews was probably a surprise for Belichick, until they adjusted and put Browner on him), but our receivers are not getting a lot of separation. Of course when Wilson is running around for 6+ seconds to buy time, one of them will get open. No defense can cover that long. 


I agree about the referees.




Quote:He got sacked once in the SB. They blocked well for him.

It has more to do with the Patriots only rushing 3 or 4 most of the game. Our pass protection is far from good. If there was a non-mobile QB behind that line, he would probably get sacked 80 times a season. Tom Cable prefers run blocking over pass protection in his linemen and most of them are good in run blocking. Lynch and Wilson's legs are still make them look better they really are though.
Quote:Our OLine is just fine.



Both Brady and Wilson excel at moving in short areas to avoid defenders. Wilson with his feet and Brady tends to do these little shoulder dips just when guys reach.

That they can do this and still easily read coverages is what makes the o-line look good.
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