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Libertarians have sought a third party for different reasons than why the conservatives haven't voted.  Libertarians want a more fiscally conservative candidate.  While the conservatives want a more socially conservative candidate.  Of course some libertarians would be willing to compromise: A fiscally conservative, socially conservative candidate might be okay in some of their books.  But most true libertarians want nothing to do with a 'lesser of two evils' scenario.  And it certainly wouldn't be enough to sway the election.

I think the republicans will have a hard time winning the white house again for a while unless the Dems choose another unlikable shmuck with the charisma of a grapefruit like Al Gore or John Kerry.  


Don't worry, Hillary! is on her way to fill the "unlikable" role next year.

Libertarians have sought a third party for different reasons than why the conservatives haven't voted.  Libertarians want a more fiscally conservative candidate.  While the conservatives want a more socially conservative candidate.  Of course some libertarians would be willing to compromise: A fiscally conservative, socially conservative candidate might be okay in some of their books.  But most true libertarians want nothing to do with a 'lesser of two evils' scenario.  And it certainly wouldn't be enough to sway the election.

I think the republicans will have a hard time winning the white house again for a while unless the Dems choose another unlikable shmuck with the charisma of a grapefruit like Al Gore or John Kerry.  

When the Republicans at least stood in contrast to the big government solutions of the Democrat party they got most of the Libertarian vote. It's when they moved more center-right and started using government to address free market issues the Libertarian voters abandoned them. Libertarians could care less about social issues, but if your going to use government programs to address them (social conservatives) Libertarians will have a problem with that as well.


That's why I say a social conservative won't win the White House ever again, Same as a moderate Republican will be near impossible to win. They need to run a fiscal conservative to have a chance.
Quote:Don't worry, Hillary! is on her way to fill the "unlikable" role next year.

She has more Charisma than a grapefruit though.  And more experience than Obama had.  I mean she's already run the white house 8 years.  
Quote:She has more Charisma than a grapefruit though.  And more experience than Obama had.  I mean she's already run the white house 8 years.  
Ugh, I'd rather not. The Dems are in the same boat as the GOP though. GOP cant push a super right wing warhawk and the Dems cant push a true progressive because the center wont go for either... Two party funded by the same people is boring. 

Just sayin

So one of her billionaire supporters cleaned out the couch cushions then?
Quote:They were catering to the branch of their party who wants their leaders to be no smarter than they are. It's the same folks who distrust people who are well educated.

Like scientists, for instance?


I bet they think they're sooooo smart....
Quote:Don't worry, Hillary! is on her way to fill the "unlikable" role next year.


2 people on opposite ends of the political spectrum can certainly agree on this.  The only sympathy my ultra-conservative relatives ever expressed for Bill Clinton was that he had Hillary at home.


She's kinda grown on me, but word is she's less likeable than Palin*








*True story:  the cast of SNL, after meeting Sara!, were a bit sheepish for making fun of her because she's supposed to be actually quite engaging in person.  Like Dubya, dumb things occasionally come out of her mouth, but folks like her the same way they like him after a few minutes in the room.
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