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Full Version: Cosell: Bortles Developed bad habits in his rookie season
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People really think Bortles playing experience was pointless?

He Will be much better this off-season with a full season under his belt rather than 0 experience
Phillip Rivers throws the ball side-armed.


Want another bad habit?  What about Big Ben crashing motorcycle into windshield of a car.  Hooking up with chicks in the restroom.





Quote:Want another bad habit?  Hooking up with chicks in the restroom.
I didn't know that was a bad habit in my younger years!
You can put the blame for Bortles regression directly on the shoulders of David Caldwell. David really expected Henne to hold the job for an entire season?



He started to show glimpses of improvement with his mechanics during preseason when he had time to focus on it -  then got away from it during the regular season. 


I wouldn't call it developing habits.  I'd call it a rookie season by a really raw prospect.  Normal. 

Quote:Phillip Rivers throws the ball side-armed.


Want another bad habit?  What about Big Ben crashing motorcycle into windshield of a car.  Hooking up with chicks in the restroom.



Yeah, but Big Ben didn't revert to these bad habits ON the field, he kept them off the field where no body saw it. At least I didn't see it on the field.

Quote:You know there is no way to get game time experience without.....  playing.


That is what gets lost in all of these debates.  I don't care that he regressed or returned to "bad" habits.  Fact is he knows about the grind of the NFL season and what it takes to navigate from the film room to the game plan and then on to game day.  Nothing in the offseason or riding the pine was going to do that for him.


He has a personal QB coach that will help him work on fundamentals up until he can work with the coaching staff.  Honestly he needs some time off and then on to drilling mechanics.


The kid has instinct and a base skill set.

and you cant go out and play in a football game before you learn to walk.


the learning to walk part is him mastering the mechanics before he got thrown into the fire.
Quote:So what happens when a fire does start at your work? Just let the building burn down since all you had was prevention strategies and no active?

What fire?  That the Jags were a bad football team and Chad Henne wasn't Peyton Manning?  That's not a fire, that's a glaring truth that was no different in Week 3 than it was in July when you said you weren't going to throw Bortles out there until he was ready.    So what changed that required the freakout and the deviation from the offseason gameplan?   


Everyone loves to hate Henne so much, but it was never about Henne.  It was that Bortles wasn't ready to play and the Jags weren't ready to compete anyway so it was the perfect opportunity to build Bortles up from the ground up the right way so that when the time comes he just had one thing to worry about ... putting points on scoreboards.  Now how to hold his elbow and how to set up his lead foot coming out of a 5 step drop.     The eye on the prize is 2017, not Week 3 on a crappy 2014 football team.     That's the alpha and omega of the story in it's entirety, not how much Chad Henne gives you a doom boner.    People loved to hate Henne so much they couldn't see the forest from the trees.   Well, here you got it ... an offense just as bad under a rookie Bortles as it was under Henne, a 3-13 season,  and now you've stunted Bortles mechanics to the point where he's right back to where he was last May.  A complete waste of a season in every regard with no discernible progress made towards contending status for the franchise.   Hope it was worth it.  .   

I don't see why people were so blind to it but how simple was this:


"blake will get playing time, as will chad."

I was all for letting Blake sit the year. And I wasn't calling for him to come in when Henne predictably started his dumpster fire.


But it's done. So I can sit here and whine and cry that Blake has to work on his mechanics this offseason, or I can just accept what's happened and appreciate the fact that Blake now has significant live-action experience (not the joke known as the pre-season) and knows how to properly navigate the season as the #1 QB.


I can guarantee Blake will spend most (if not all) of the offseason working on his mechanics, then guess what happens comes August?? He gets all those snaps with the 1s in OTAs, training camp, and during the preseason to further cement the proper mechanics into muscle memory. We've seen what he was able to do with a partial offseason and the backup snaps. How about we withhold the tears on this issue until the real games start back up?


Bortles has shown the progress (albiet short-lived), the attitude, and the work ethic to get the benefit of the doubt on this.

Bortles should (will) progress significantly from now through 2015 season.

1. He survived the first season nightmare.

2. He will actually get a full offseason to work on everything without it being the first season firehose effect x10.

3. He has the correct confidence and drive.

Quote:We all know that Blake had some bad habits coming into the Pro's, but to say that he developed bad habits IN his rookie year is saddening. We all visibly saw his short comings from the preseason to week 17. Its unfortunate Blake had such a terrible developmental coach in Jedd. It doesn't take time at all to learn technique, but it takes years to internalize technique. I hope for this franchises sake that Blake develops at a fast pace once given the proper technical dogma. 
To be fair, he didn't develop any new habits.  He simply regressed into old habits that he hadn't fully addressed from the point he was drafted.  He was thrown into the starting role before he was really ready to do so, but that tidbit seems to be forgotten by the folks around here who were demanding he start sooner rather than later.  Those same people used the mindset that he couldn't be any worse than Henne, and the game experience would do him wonders.  Now they're jumping into this discussion opining the fact that he did exactly what many expected he would if he was put on the field too soon. 


He looked like (GASP!) a rookie QB.  Shocker, I know.


It wasn't Jedd's responsibility to develop the QB.  Scelfo is on staff with that responsibility.  He can't do anything about mechanics when there's no time to do so, which is exactly what happens when a QB becomes the starter.  Every moment of their time is spent on the weekly game plan and getting that prepared and installed.  They don't have as many practices as some folks here think thanks to the CBA, so any quirks he still hadn't worked out with his mechanics when he took over as starter were still there. 


Yes, it takes years to develop bad habits, but with proper coaching, he had shown that he was able to address the footwork and delivery issues early on this year.  He regressed because he hadn't gotten to the point where the changes were fully indoctrinated into his muscle memory.  He's got this entire off season to focus on that, and if the improvements we saw from the draft to the preseason, he'll be fine. 


Cosell's suggestion that he needs to start over completely is just a load of bunk. 
This is nothing new and its not like Cosell is saying anything bad about him.  I persoanlly really like the way Cosell breaks film and players down and is usually pretty accurate.

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