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I just finished Pompeii by Robert Harris. It's really good and its descriptions of the Roman aquaducts and the eruption of Vesuvius really tickled the engineering loving part of my brain.

Quote:His work on Truman and John Adams were also both very good.
 Everything he does is good.  Just line them up and learn a ton!
I am ashamed to admit that I hardly ever read any books.  The last book I bought and read was Dean Koontz's Fear Nothing, and the book was great until the Climax of the story.  Then I had the feeling as if a ghost writer had finished the book so that he could work on something else as it took a nose dive and stunk at that point.

I just finished "Otherworld" by Evan Ronan and Orona by Adam James. Both a bit sci fi/fantasy. The first is a Young Adult book but was very good and a bit more on the fresh side of things for my taste in books.


I'm currently reading "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls.


I have a group of people Im doing a reading contest with, read 50 books in a year but each book should meet a certain criteria on the list. Like the book Im reading now(Glass Castle) is a Memoir so I will check that off my list.

I like smut books..
Quote:A previous thread on this topic lead me to Vince Flynn (thanks, FBT) and I've been reading his books ever since.


I need to make it a goal to read more.  I don't spend nearly enough time reading, great thread.

If you like Flynn, try Brad Thor.

Baldacci is good as well.

As much as I'm not fan a fan of OReilly, his books..Killing.... Are pretty good.

Biographies are a few I like. Willie Nelsons, Keith Richards and Ozzys was hilarious.
I just finished Rising to the Challenge: My Leadership Journey by Carly Fiorina.  Very interesting read.


Quote:I just finished Rising to the Challenge: My Leadership Journey by Carly Fiorina.  Very interesting read.
At the moment, I don't believe that Fiorina will win the nomination, but whoever the GOP nominee is would be foolish not to have her on their presidential cabinet.
Quote:At the moment, I don't believe that Fiorina will win the nomination, but whoever the GOP nominee is would be foolish not to have her on their presidential cabinet.

I'm not going to make this thread political and give my view regarding politics.  Regarding leadership though, she is definitely someone to learn from.
I'm working on Blood Meridian by McCarthy. I think a couple people posted on here they liked it. I'm enjoying it so far.
Just checking back to see what everyone has been reading of late.  Any new SciFi that I am missing?  I just strated book 3 The Mistborn series by Sanderson.  Loved the 1st two.

I have Travis Barker's autobiography that I'm looking forward to reading! :yes:

Quote:I'm working on Blood Meridian by McCarthy. I think a couple people posted on here they liked it. I'm enjoying it so far.

The Road by McCarthy is good too.
I enjoy all kinds of reading... two of my favorite series are:

The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell (( books so far, I just finished the latest one last night) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saxon_Stories



The Travis McGee Series.  (21 Books, all with a color in the title.  Its tough to find all of them but worth it.)  Read them all, in order.   They are great!  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_McGee


Speaking of hard to find books,  have all of you readers in this thread been to the Chamblin Book Mine on Roosevelt Blvd?    That place is AMAZING!!!!   Well over a MILLION used books all in one location.   That's where I found all of the missing books in the Travis McGee Series.   If you like to read and haven't been, you owe it to yourself to check it out.   Think of it as a building about the size of a Sams club with shelves stacked floor to ceiling with books!


Here's a (four year old) article about the place:   http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2011-...ears-later
Quote:I'm working on Blood Meridian by McCarthy. I think a couple people posted on here they liked it. I'm enjoying it so far.

That book is haunting. The judge is a crazy character. They are all crazy
Quote:The Road by McCarthy is good too.

All his stuff is great.


No country for old men
I'm reading another Dan Harmon book

Quote:All his stuff is great.


No country for old men

If you want to be seriously creeped out, Child of God.
Quote:The Road by McCarthy is good too.

Agreed, the most realistic post-nuclear apocalypse saga I've ever read.
Quote:The Road by McCarthy is good too.

I read that one. Made it hard to sleep afterwards. Creeped me out.
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