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Quote:I believe in London cops are barred from using guns with actual live rounds in them. As far as I know, only members of the Military/Reserves are permitted to own live firearms in the UK. Everyone else has to deal with very, very strict gun laws there.

But hey, according to some people on here, I can't talk about London or the UK without actually living there.

UK police has special armed response units.


Quote:UK police has special armed response units.
Yes. But the point is that regular cops that are tasked with protecting people's lives and responding to danger on a daily basis are given no real protection. If a cop can't defend himself, than he sure as heck can't help me. In that case, we're both useless.
Quote:Yes. But the point is that regular cops that are tasked with protecting people's lives and responding to danger on a daily basis are given no real protection. If a cop can't defend himself, than he sure as heck can't help me. In that case, we're both useless.

Most cops in the UK don't need guns because most criminals in the UK don't carry guns. I know it's difficult to comprehend for an American but guns are an almost complete non-issue over here.
Quote:Most cops in the UK don't need guns because most criminals in the UK don't carry guns. I know it's difficult to comprehend for an American but guns are an almost complete non-issue over here.

Correct me if I'm wrong, while the UK has essentially no gun crime don't they have one of the highest violent crime rates? 
Quote:Most cops in the UK don't need guns because most criminals in the UK don't carry guns. I know it's difficult to comprehend for an American but guns are an almost complete non-issue over here.

I like my gun, and carrying it too. That terrorist would have had some holes in him if he ran after me. But hey you guys over their keep doing your thing.
Quote:Correct me if I'm wrong, while the UK has essentially no gun crime don't they have one of the highest violent crime rates?

Because different countries have different classifications for violent crime. Threatening someone with bodily harm is classified as violent crime in the UK. You can't compare violent crime rates if the definition of violent crime isn't the same.
Quote:I like my gun, and carrying it too. That terrorist would have had some holes in him if he ran after me. But hey you guys over their keep doing your thing.

You'd be dead. Three guys wielding AK's versus one guy with a pistol is like Arizona State versus the Green Bay Packers.
Knew this would lead to second amendment crap. You are far more likely to be shot in the US than France or the UK.

A mass shooting barely reaches the news anymore due to the regularity they occur in the US. Those New York police being armed didn't save those lives.

Look at Australian gun history. The same day the world was shocked about the Sydney siege some lunatic was barely newsworthy despite killing more people and on the run in PA. Your 2nd amendment is laughed at in Australia and they used to have guns. Good luck protecting yourselves against your government with your pistol too when they have drones.
Quote:Read Inside Jihad. Author is Tafik Hamad....something like that. He was an islamist for six years. Educated in Egypt. University for his medical degree. He tells some interesting things. Something from the horses mouth.

But anyway. The Boston community not turn in the bombers you ask? Really? The Southies in Beantown woulda strung him up. He was hiding in a boat. He had no local support. I don't think it's the same in Paris. There are areas there and London where the police leave them alone and some sharia law is practiced.

Ask your " moderates" what their thoughts are on depicting their god and prophet. Ask an imam to stand up and condem these actions, saying these terrorists are not Muslims. Ask them is there punishment for cartoons that may lead to death as in France and Holland. are their Hadiths and Quran the law?

What you hear and what is said amongst themselves may be two different things.

Most countries have already spoken out. I'm waiting for a turkey, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan to join in.

To some, and I hope their wrong, the Islamic Trojan horse has been delivered to Europe. Soon, it will open. It has already creaked its doors.

They'll take our democracy with democracy.

Hope I'm mistaken. But one eye remains open.



Sheikh Hamza Yusuf said the following in the wake of the attack.


Quote:The Qur’an says to the Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace and blessings be upon him, “It is a mercy from your Lord that you are so gentle toward them. If you had been harsh and hard-hearted, people would have fled from your presence” (3:159).

It is indeed the harshness and obstinacy of some overly zealous Muslims, combined with the absence of mercy in their hearts, which is driving people out of Islam and deterring others from considering or even respecting it. They are conducting themselves based upon some misguided adherence to their understanding of Islam. They are uncertain in themselves, and so they feel threatened by anyone who might differ with them; through fanaticism, they attempt to protect themselves from doubt but result in only obscuring their view. Fanatics are blinded by the light of God as opposed to guided by it.

The Prophet, God’s peace and blessings be upon him, warned of these people when he said, “Perish they who go to extremes.” We should try our utmost not to be one of them.

Hamza Yusuf is one of the leading proponents of classical learning in Islam. He has promoted Islamic sciences and classical teaching methodologies throughout the world. He has also been a strong advocate for social justice, peace, and conviviality among peoples and places. For several years, he has argued that the “them versus us” problem is fundamentally flawed, as he considers himself one of “them” as well as one of “us.”

Also, you mentioned that Islam is incompatible with democracy. Refer to Surat An-Nisa Chapter 4 Verse 59 where it states...

Quote:O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.

Scholars have stated that those who enter non-Muslim countries have to adhere to their respective laws and regulations even if they entered those countries illegally, and they have no excuse for breaking those laws, since they were entrusted to abide by those laws upon entry into those countries. In addition, if they break the oath and covenant of the nations providing them with security and freedoms then they are not believers rather they are hypocrites. Surat Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 100


Quote:Is it not [true] that every time they took a covenant a party of them threw it away? But, [in fact], most of them do not believe.


I don't want this to be taken the wrong way but I have to say it. Who on earth thinks it's a good idea to regularly publish Muslim and/or Islam bashing in a country that is being overwhelmed by immigration issues of said people?

Those folks certainly didn't deserve to die but you assume a certain amount of responsibility when you publicly publish stuff. I guess it never occurred to anyone that they might be seriously pissing people off enough to kill. It was actually the first thing I thought of when I heard what happened and why.

There are consequences to our actions.


a country that is being overwhelmed by immigration issues of said people? 


I am french, we are not overwhelmed, and even if there was only 500 muslims in France, those 3 ignorants fanatics would have striked anyway.


Sheikh Hamza Yusuf said the following in the wake of the attack.



Hamza Yusuf is one of the leading proponents of classical learning in Islam. He has promoted Islamic sciences and classical teaching methodologies throughout the world. He has also been a strong advocate for social justice, peace, and conviviality among peoples and places. For several years, he has argued that the “them versus us” problem is fundamentally flawed, as he considers himself one of “them” as well as one of “us.”


Also, you mentioned that Islam is incompatible with democracy. Refer to Surat An-Nisa Chapter 4 Verse 59 where it states...



Scholars have stated that those who enter non-Muslim countries have to adhere to their respective laws and regulations even if theentered those countries illegally, and they have no excuse for breaking those laws, since they were entrusted to abide by those laws upon entry into those countries. In addition, if they break the oath and covenant of the nations providing them with security and freedoms then they are not believers rather they are hypocrites. Surat Al-Baqarah Chapter 2 Verse 100

Scholars? They don't listen to scholars. They listen to the imams. Scholars have their say, but it's far from final. If they were so peaceful, why do they kill one another because of Shia or Sunni laws? Will these scholars agree that those who don't abide by laws of an adopted country should be deported?

There are others who are not condemning the murders. They claim the act of depicting their god in any fashion is punishable.

As for those entering Muslim countries, if you want to live there, either convert to islam, pay a high tax or be subjected to death.

One imam says one thing while you have supreme leaders issuing fatwas against anyone " breaking Islamic law". Like Rushdie, who still has a bounty on his head for the book he wrote.

Ask some imams this...

“Do you support the enslavement of female war prisoners and having sex with them as concubines? If not, do you reject those interpretations in Islamic Law, for “Ma-Malkakat Aymanikum”, which justifies such actions?

Fighting Jews: Do you support perpetual war against Jews to exterminate them, and if not, should those Muslims who incite such war be punished?

Gays being killed: Do you believe it is acceptable to kill Gays, and if not, do you reject those edicts in Sharia Law which claim it

Do you believe that if the five pillars of Islam are not met, you are an infidel?

Do you believe that women cannot venture into public places unless accompanied by a male?

We have fringe groups in all religions. But none as heinous as the peaceful religion they call Islam.

I'd like to hear what the Ayatollah has to say. Iranian supreme leader and his ilk.

Maybe it's just me, but murdering people while shouting god is great, just doesn't sound like a god I want to worship. Maybe atheists have a point.

On the outside, some may condemn. Inside, they support.

Anyway. Enough is enough. Just spinning wheels here. Maybe my interpretation of the Quran and some Hadiths are all misinterpreted. The violence perpetuated and supported in the writings must have a different meaning than what I took them for, like smite their necks. Maybe smite means kiss in their world.
Quote:I don't want this to be taken the wrong way but I have to say it. Who on earth thinks it's a good idea to regularly publish Muslim and/or Islam bashing in a country that is being overwhelmed by immigration issues of said people?

Those folks certainly didn't deserve to die but you assume a certain amount of responsibility when you publicly publish stuff. I guess it never occurred to anyone that they might be seriously [BAD WORD REMOVED] people off enough to kill. It was actually the first thing I thought of when I heard what happened and why.

There are consequences to our actions.
Consequences? Like getting murdered for doing something you disagree with? A cartoon?

Offensive? Perhaps. Crime fitting punishment? Not in my book. Besides, it wasn't a crime in that country. But these buttholes took it as a crime against their religion of peace and to them, punishable by death.
Quote:I don't want this to be taken the wrong way but I have to say it. Who on earth thinks it's a good idea to regularly publish Muslim and/or Islam bashing in a country that is being overwhelmed by immigration issues of said people?

Those folks certainly didn't deserve to die but you assume a certain amount of responsibility when you publicly publish stuff. I guess it never occurred to anyone that they might be seriously [BAD WORD REMOVED] people off enough to kill. It was actually the first thing I thought of when I heard what happened and why.

There are consequences to our actions.

So if I find something offensive, all I have to do is kill a bunch of people to make sure nobody does it again? 
Quote:I am french, we are not overwhelmed, and even if there was only 500 muslims in France, those 3 ignorants fanatics would have striked anyway.
I agree. And I love the notion that somehow islam is going undermine European democracy, every time they tried to put a Muslim political party together in the Netherlands it has been an abject failure. And even if they did somehow get a few seats in parliament the main party opposed to islam has 12 seats at the moment, more than cancelling out any influence they'd have.
Quote:Scholars? They don't listen to scholars. They listen to the imams. Scholars have their say, but it's far from final. If they were so peaceful, why do they kill one another because of Shia or Sunni laws? Will these scholars agree that those who don't abide by laws of an adopted country should be deported?

There are others who are not condemning the murders. They claim the act of depicting their god in any fashion is punishable.

As for those entering Muslim countries, if you want to live there, either convert to islam, pay a high tax or be subjected to death.

One imam says one thing while you have supreme leaders issuing fatwas against anyone " breaking Islamic law". Like Rushdie, who still has a bounty on his head for the book he wrote.

Ask some imams this...

“Do you support the enslavement of female war prisoners and having sex with them as concubines? If not, do you reject those interpretations in Islamic Law, for “Ma-Malkakat Aymanikum”, which justifies such actions?

Fighting Jews: Do you support perpetual war against Jews to exterminate them, and if not, should those Muslims who incite such war be punished?

Gays being killed: Do you believe it is acceptable to kill Gays, and if not, do you reject those edicts in Sharia Law which claim it

Do you believe that if the five pillars of Islam are not met, you are an infidel?

Do you believe that women cannot venture into public places unless accompanied by a male?

We have fringe groups in all religions. But none as heinous as the peaceful religion they call Islam.

I'd like to hear what the Ayatollah has to say. Iranian supreme leader and his ilk.

Maybe it's just me, but murdering people while shouting god is great, just doesn't sound like a god I want to worship. Maybe atheists have a point.

On the outside, some may condemn. Inside, they support.

Anyway. Enough is enough. Just spinning wheels here. Maybe my interpretation of the Quran and some Hadiths are all misinterpreted. The violence perpetuated and supported in the writings must have a different meaning than what I took them for, like smite their necks. Maybe smite means kiss in their world.

And you know this how? You've done a survey? You know how they really feel?


Do you judge Christianity by the rantings of some of its "preachers"? 
Quote:Scholars? They don't listen to scholars. They listen to the imams. Scholars have their say, but it's far from final. If they were so peaceful, why do they kill one another because of Shia or Sunni laws? Will these scholars agree that those who don't abide by laws of an adopted country should be deported?

There are others who are not condemning the murders. They claim the act of depicting their god in any fashion is punishable.

As for those entering Muslim countries, if you want to live there, either convert to islam, pay a high tax or be subjected to death.

One imam says one thing while you have supreme leaders issuing fatwas against anyone " breaking Islamic law". Like Rushdie, who still has a bounty on his head for the book he wrote.

Ask some imams this...

“Do you support the enslavement of female war prisoners and having sex with them as concubines? If not, do you reject those interpretations in Islamic Law, for “Ma-Malkakat Aymanikum”, which justifies such actions?

Fighting Jews: Do you support perpetual war against Jews to exterminate them, and if not, should those Muslims who incite such war be punished?

Gays being killed: Do you believe it is acceptable to kill Gays, and if not, do you reject those edicts in Sharia Law which claim it

Do you believe that if the five pillars of Islam are not met, you are an infidel?

Do you believe that women cannot venture into public places unless accompanied by a male?

We have fringe groups in all religions. But none as heinous as the peaceful religion they call Islam.

I'd like to hear what the Ayatollah has to say. Iranian supreme leader and his ilk.

Maybe it's just me, but murdering people while shouting god is great, just doesn't sound like a god I want to worship. Maybe atheists have a point.

On the outside, some may condemn. Inside, they support.

Anyway. Enough is enough. Just spinning wheels here. Maybe my interpretation of the Quran and some Hadiths are all misinterpreted. The violence perpetuated and supported in the writings must have a different meaning than what I took them for, like smite their necks. Maybe smite means kiss in their world.

Maybe you are just an idiot.


I'd love to see you come to the Islamic Center of Northeast Florida. Be the fly on the wall over there and learn what you need to learn.


Cop shot dead was Muslim.




Grenades thrown at Mosque in retaliation.


Explain this one, Ringo.

Quote:And you know this how? You've done a survey? You know how they really feel?


Do you judge Christianity by the rantings of some of its "preachers"?

Their actions or inactions speak volumes.

You actually compare lunatic Christian preachers with lunatic Muslim preachers..imams? When did the fringe Christians blow up buses, trains,planes of innocents? Behead people? Fly planes into buildings because Muslims occupied Christian land?

Comparing Christians is like comparing Jimmy Swaggert to Bin Laden

Maybe try reading their books. Maybe take a look around the world. France for instance has areas of town, of Muslim communities, that are called Urban Sensitive Areas. No Go Zones. There are over 750 of these zones.Police don't venture there and have little control. Most are decent people, but until we all , including the moderates unite against the radicals it will get worse. Multiculturalism is great...until it isn't. Clashes of laws,pluralism, and basic beliefs tend to result in friction that escalates to violence that affects everyone.

Surveys? A pew poll showed about 15% agreed with the actions taken by terrorists if their holy book is not adhered to. That jihad is sometimes necessary. 15% equals millions by the way. Letting this strain fester, which it is, bad things will happen.

But mainly...I tend to believe what I see. Not meaning in a religious sense but in actions. I'm simple that way. Maybe I'm too judgmental and paranoid. Maybe.
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