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Quote:I believe it's called grasping at straws.

It's something the desperate do when they begin to realize they're quickly dissolving into irrelevance.

When that doesn't work, they'll shift to tantrum mode.
It's way too late for tantrum mode. That's in full swing. They're crying like babies.


Communism is dead in the US, and they don't like it one bit.
Quote:So... "we won't use them.. Believe me."

You suddenly care about private email servers? Didn't seem to bother you when your girl was having her maid print out top secret emails and slide them under Bill's door when the energizer bunny was visiting.

Again, feel free to point out where anything about mishandling top secret documents is referenced in this straw man news story you're clinging to for some sort of personal validation. The stench of desperation is strong in your posts.
Quote:You suddenly care about private email servers? Didn't seem to bother you when your girl was having her maid print out top secret emails and slide them under Bill's door when the energizer bunny was visiting.

Again, feel free to point out where anything about mishandling top secret documents is referenced in this straw man news story you're clinging to for some sort of personal validation. The stench of desperation is strong in your posts.

For the second time.. Go find any post of mine defending that first paragraph. Using alternative facts to make your argument is so vogue.

He's mishandling the country right in front of everyone's face. How more and more people who voted for him are not appalled that he is openly censoring the science community is beyond me.
Quote:You suddenly care about private email servers? Didn't seem to bother you when your girl was having her maid print out top secret emails and slide them under Bill's door when the energizer bunny was visiting.

Again, feel free to point out where anything about mishandling top secret documents is referenced in this straw man news story you're clinging to for some sort of personal validation. The stench of desperation is strong in your posts.

And yet they STILL voted for "their girl".. Prime example why I'll never take them seriously. A [BLEEP] banana slug would have done better than Shillary
Quote:For the second time.. Go find any post of mine defending that first paragraph. Using alternative facts to make your argument is so vogue.

He's mishandling the country right in front of everyone's face. How more and more people who voted for him are not appalled that he is openly censoring the science community is beyond me.

That conservative bulwark The New York Times called Bull [BLEEP] on those censoring claims. I'm sure you and the rest of the hysterics on the left will recant your accusations now, right?
Quote:For the second time.. Go find any post of mine defending that first paragraph. Using alternative facts to make your argument is so vogue.

He's mishandling the country right in front of everyone's face. How more and more people who voted for him are not appalled that he is openly censoring the science community is beyond me.

He's not "censoring the science community." He's only invoked the Hatch Act which states that federal employees can't promote political positions or candidates while they are on the job.


Some federal employees may have misunderstood that last part since they never do any useful work.

True scientists are grateful that their opposing voices are no longer being suppressed, that they are now being heard.

Quote:That conservative bulwark The New York Times called Bull [BAD WORD REMOVED] on those censoring claims. I'm sure you and the rest of the hysterics on the left will recant your accusations now, right?

Telling scientists to NOT report facts is censorship. Which is why alternative Twitter feeds not controlled by the govt have been launched for multiple govt agencies including NASA.
Quote:He's not "censoring the science community." He's only invoked the Hatch Act which states that federal employees can't promote political positions or candidates while they are on the job.

Some federal employees may have misunderstood that last part since they never do any useful work.

He is openly silencing data he knows will make some of his actions look bad. Go look up what extracting oil from tar sand does to the environment and ask yourself why Trump (who most definitely has a personal vested interest in this) would want the PEA and other government agencies to NOT make these facts available to the public?
Quote:Telling scientists to NOT report facts is censorship. Which is why alternative Twitter feeds not controlled by the govt have been launched for multiple govt agencies including NASA.

That's PRECISELY what's been happening to the so-called "deniers" for the past 8 years (or more)...


People have been FIRED for not following the pre-set political AGENDA.

Quote:He is openly silencing data he knows will make some of his actions look bad. Go look up what extracting oil from tar sand does to the environment and ask yourself why Trump (who most definitely has a personal vested interest in this) would want the PEA and other government agencies to NOT make these facts available to the public?

Why have agencies been destroying evidence that expose their fraud?!?!?!?!


They are destroying and hiding FACTS that prove their fraud.
Quote:Telling scientists to NOT report facts is censorship. Which is why alternative Twitter feeds not controlled by the govt have been launched for multiple govt agencies including NASA.

So, doubling down then? Not unexpected.
Wait.... have we not yet cleared the "not the same thing, perjury, etc" part?

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