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Full Version: What second year player gets the Golden Turd award?
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I understand coming off injury but he was abused way too much to justify the draft position. He looks lost anytime the defense stunts and seems to have a problem with trying to double the inside guy and not taking on the outside rusher.

Ive seen multiple plays where he ends up blocking no one or just whiffing and getting Blake blasted.

How much of that was scheme and coaching? We'll see this year I hope.
I voted Sanders just because they hyped this kid as something special. Well, he is especially average at best. Joeckel, now this dude played really bad this  year, and I almost selected him. He got worked on pass rush after pass rush and we are lucky that Bortles didn't get killed. BUT, he is young and experience may help him going forward, the dude is huge, but you have to translate that into meanness and nastiness when you play on the line and I haven't seen that from him yet. Our secondary took a step back this year, it was supposed to be a bright spot and it really was average at best.....  

Sanders wasn't a first day pick so imo he overachieved as a rookie and then was burried on the depth chart by all our New wideouts. Jokel was suppose to solidify a premier position for the next 10 years and was projected as best player in that draft. He was the biggest letdown. Cyp I think will be solid once we have a better FS playing next to him. He needs to be a more sure tackle guy. Too many whiffs this year
Considering that Sanders is the only one from that group who probably is going to be released because of how he hasn't performed, I'd say it has to go to Sanders.  As much as people want to say Luke, he's still going to be on the team next year.

Can I vote for all of them?

Quote:I'm no doctor, so I'm asking this honestly:  Is rehabbing a broken ankle prohibitive from getting stronger in the rest of your body?


I think we all hope LJ works on his craft in the offseason.  His issues are not just strength, he had alot of mental errors that either point to his lack of heart or his lack of football IQ...  


Let's just say he's got a lot of work to do...
Your body can only do so much. How much strength training can you do while you have a cold? A cold doesn't directly cause your muscles to atrophy but it takes bodily resources to fight off. It also takes time to rehab an injury, you cannot simply do a normal workout then do less on one muscle(especially a leg or core muscle) because a lot of stuff is compound and you can injure yourself further trying to (possibly unconsiously) compensate for a weak muscle in something like, say, a deadlift or military press. Also keep in mind that even if you could isolate it and somehow work the rest of your body the same, a lot of your strength as a lineman come from your legs, as with most athletes(QBs step into throws, boxers step into punches, etc). Having a weak leg is a severe detriment to your strength, watch lineman use something like a blocking sled, a lot of it is lower body.


No one is saying he is Jonathan Ogden, but he does have some legitimate reasons for being behind, namely his age and that injury AT THAT AGE. If he got that injury at age 26 I would not give him a pass for it like I am inclined to now when he is still younger than some guys coming out.
Not sure a 4th round pick can be included here. I mean, the percentages are heavily stacked against anyone taken later than the 3rd. 

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