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Full Version: Bye Bye Net Neutrality
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Quote:There is if you're ditching cable for internet TV like PS Vue, Sling, Netflix, Direct TV now. It also costs money to use a VPN.

No it doesn't, but that's a whole other topic.
Quote:No it doesn't, but that's a whole other topic.

Well please send me a link to a reliable and credible Free VPN.
Quote:Well please send me a link to a reliable and credible Free VPN.

How about actually learning what a VPN is and how it works?
Quote:How about actually learning what a VPN is and how it works?

I know what a VPN iS and how it works. How do you have yours set up? Hotspotshield Tunnelbear?
Oh dear, someone has gotten in over their head with the Google again...

Why would it benefit an ISP to provide crappy service to their customers? Netflix reached an agreement with the major ISPs outside of government interference anyways. Do you really want the government to have more control on your internet... you want your internet at the speed of government? The reason we have had faster internet in the USA than Europe is that we've had a pretty loose regulatory environment. 

Quote:Why would it benefit an ISP to provide crappy service to their customers? Netflix reached an agreement with the major ISPs outside of government interference anyways. Do you really want the government to have more control on your internet... you want your internet at the speed of government? The reason we have had faster internet in the USA than Europe is that we've had a pretty loose regulatory environment. 

Not true.
Thread is still useful, and the title is still relevant, so bump
The internet is a public utility in America, not a commodity. A productive life is impossible without it. The water company is not allowed to pump more to your neighbor because your neighbor pays more, nor is the electric company allowed to invest in one grocery store and cut off power to all the others. I don't care if I'm charged for usage via data plan. I get charged for the water and electricity based on usage, and there should be no requirement that ISPs or cell networks play by different rules.

That said, when I pay for water, I'm not instructed that it will cost less from my kitchen sink than it will from a bathroom, or that I have to pay extra for the privilege of showering. The internet should operate under those same rules. When I pay for my X GB of data, I should be allowed to use that data wherever and however I please. The ISP has no right to tell me where that data goes or control how I use it. That's what's at stake here, and why the FCC ruling cannot be the end of this argument.
Is Net Neutrality the new Global Warming for the left?
(12-15-2017, 05:27 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Is Net Neutrality the new Global Warming for the left?

What makes you think net neutrality is a partisan issue? 80% of America opposed the ruling, which was forced through by a commissioner that was openly talking about being bought and paid for by Verizon less than a week ago. 80% means that at least 30-ish% of Trump supporters opposed the repeal.
Liberals hate this because it promotes freedom. The left loves to be told what to do.
(12-15-2017, 05:40 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Liberals hate this because it promotes freedom. The left loves to be told what to do.

Promotes freedom for who?

How did we live without net neutrality before its advent in 2015? Get a grip, people.
No more free adult web sites.  Cry
I dunno why anyone would support something which will lead to censorship and making it extremely hard for small sites ,content creators and applications to get anywhere. Doesn't effect me yet as I'm in Europe.

All you have to do is look and who supports this, who profits from it and the methods they used to know it's bad.
(12-15-2017, 07:06 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]How did we live without net neutrality before its advent in 2015? Get a grip, people.

Net neutrality was the standard before 2015, the ISP's challenged it in court, forcing the FCC to declare broadband internet among Title II carriers and thus preserving the status quo for internet access. With the recent "decision" from the FCC control of the internet has been effectively handed over to the likes of Verizon, Comcast and their ilk to exploit and monetize to their benefit.

Meanwhile, the EU has enforced strong laws concerning net neutrality and it has benefited the populace immensely.
No we need to give the corporation's more power. We can trust them.
(12-15-2017, 05:40 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Liberals hate this because it promotes freedom. The left loves to be told what to do.

How does repealing net neutrality promote freedom? How does leaving net neutrality in place equate to telling people what to do? Explain it to me. I'm genuinely curious to hear your logic.
Please people. Supply and demand will always dictate these things. Just like when there was only one telephone company. I remember when long distance costed like ten cents per minute within the US because AT&T could do it. There were no other options. Once cellular service came about, all the sudden telephone bills plummeted.

This is much ado about nothing.
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