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Full Version: Whose last game is this?
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Quote:Joeckels last game? Lol

Lol. Last year's draft sucks...

Would be nice, he's just a wasted roster spot. 
Quote:Would be nice, he's just a wasted roster spot.

He looked shocked when the DB blanketed him in the endzone. I thought no one could cover him?
Shorts finally got his bottle of stick em shipped. He didn't look terribad today
Joeckel, Cyp, and Gratz aint going anywhere.  They have next year to figure it out.  Gratz needs a good season next year.

Bortles. Keep drafting a QB till they find one a decent one.
Tim Tebow!  Oh wait, I'm in the wrong thread...

Quote:Shorts finally got his bottle of stick em shipped. He didn't look terribad today
He just decided to run the wrong route today.
Quote:He's not worth $7M in the final year of his contract and Jags can't ask him to take a payout, so they either cut him and re-sign him or keep him at his bloated salary. 


There are simply better options out there than an aging, injury-prone TE who isn't a receiving threat.  

I wish this was true. After Julius (whose likely to be tagged or resigned), there's really no one out there. I think they just bite the bullet and let Lewis play his contract out, especially since he seems to be well respected in the locker room. 
Quote:I think Shorts will sign a team friendly deal and be back next year.
A team friendly deal would be him not coming back.
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