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Full Version: Justin Blackmon sells his Queen's Harbor home
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Rhetorical question: If there were liens on the house when it was sold, why did he not resolve them prior to them becoming liens in the first place? It appears to be an indication of just how out of touch with reality he has been or how broke he may have become or both.

We can all hope he straightens up and plays football for the Jaguars again at the level he's capable of, but please understand that the likelihood of that actually happening is slim.

EDIT: spelling
Looking at Josh Gordan I wouldn't get your expectations up thinking Blackmon will come back and be the same player again. Gordan missed less time and has played like trash ever since he came back. I don't think Blackmon will even be decent on return.
Quote:Rhetorical question: If there were liens on the house when it was sold, why did he not resolve them prior to them becoming liens in the first place? It appears to be an indication of just how out of touch with reality he has been or how broke he may have become or both.

We can all hope he straightens up and plays football for the Jaguars again at the level he's capable of, but please understand that the liklihood of that actually happening is slim.

Why? Because you said so?

No one knows what's going on inside the head of Justin Blackmon. He can try to get reinstated this offseason, and his actions have suggested he will. He completed rehab, and word from his friends is he wants to come back and play for the Jags.

Quit throwing crap on the wall to see what sticks. Let's just wait and see what happens instead of pretending to know everything about what will or will not happen.
In other news, Bill Cowher, John Gruden, Bill Walsh, and Vince Lombardi have all purchased homes here this offseason.

Championship !
Quote:Rhetorical question: If there were liens on the house when it was sold, why did he not resolve them prior to them becoming liens in the first place? It appears to be an indication of just how out of touch with reality he has been or how broke he may have become or both.

We can all hope he straightens up and plays football for the Jaguars again at the level he's capable of, but please understand that the liklihood of that actually happening is slim.

It could simply be because he doesn't care.


Sounds like he simply walked away.


Hopefully, he's not walking away from football as well.
Quote:In other news, Bill Cowher, John Gruden, Bill Walsh, and Vince Lombardi have all purchased homes here this offseason.

Championship !
Quote:It could simply be because he doesn't care.


Sounds like he simply walked away.


Hopefully, he's not walking away from football as well.
I don't understand this.  Why not just play football for a few years, make a boatload of cash and then go smoke the rest of your life away?  I don't get it.  Then again, addiction is a powerful thing, so maybe I just have no idea.  This whole thing just makes me sad.  It's a shame and a horrible waste of talent.
Quote:It could simply be because he doesn't care.


Sounds like he simply walked away.


Hopefully, he's not walking away from football as well.

My definition of "out of touch with reality" might be broader than most. I would include not caring about your real life obligations as being "out of touch with reality."
This could mean he's officially hit rock bottom and it's probably the best case scenario for him to come back.If there ever was an incentive to get his isht str8 it's now.

Quote:Why? Because you said so?

No one knows what's going on inside the head of Justin Blackmon. He can try to get reinstated this offseason, and his actions have suggested he will. He completed rehab, and word from his friends is he wants to come back and play for the Jags.

Quit throwing crap on the wall to see what sticks. Let's just wait and see what happens instead of pretending to know everything about what will or will not happen.

Lighten up Francis. What did I say would or wouldn't happen? I gave my opinion on the chances of him straigtening his life up. I didn't say he would or wouldn't definitively. IN MY OPINION (is that better for you?), the chances are slim that he comes back, stays out of trouble, and plays at the level we've seen flashes of. I hope he can, but I'm not going to live in a fantasy world and ignore what the majority of evidence that's come out suggests or get angry when it gets pointed out. Feel free to disagree about his chances, but take the manufactured outrage elsewhere. The selling of his house with HOA liens against it for what looks like a loss during a time that has been pretty good for the housing market while he owned it might be no news or it might be bad news, but it's definitely not good news. Factor in his history and it doesn't take a quantum leap to think this could be further evidence of bad behavior or at the very least immaturity which wouldn't be an indication of someone turning the corner. Maybe he overpaid when he bought the house, who knows? But this is Justin Blackmon, troubled Jaguars WR we're talking about here, not John Q. Public. He's shown a pattern of behavior. Fair or not, that pattern will be used by people to analyze other events and decisions in his life.

I've had the misfortune of dealing with a family member who has had lifelong substance abuse issues as I'm sure many others on here have similar stories within their own families. That family member has gone through a multitude of expensive but failed rehabs, so I'm speaking from some experience in this arena. Each of those rehabs lets you know up front that the success rate is miniscule. I wouldn't cite the fact that Blackmon has completed rehab and assume that means anything yet if I were you because the statistics are not on your side. In short, the events surrounding the sale of his home are noteworthy because of who he is and who he has been. People on here talk about it. If speculating about the sale given the facts as we know them combined with his past, which is fair game, offends you I would advise finding another thread to read. In fact, you might want to avoid the internet entirely as this is pretty tame relatively speaking.
Quote:Lighten up Francis. What did I say would or wouldn't happen? I gave my opinion on the chances of him straigtening his life up. I didn't say he would or wouldn't definitively. IN MY OPINION (is that better for you?), the chances are slim that he comes back, stays out of trouble, and plays at the level we've seen flashes of. I hope he can, but I'm not going to live in a fantasy world and ignore what the majority of evidence that's come out suggests or get angry when it gets pointed out. Feel free to disagree about his chances, but take the manufactured outrage elsewhere. The selling of his house with HOA liens against it for what looks like a loss during a time that has been pretty good for the housing market while he owned it might be no news or it might be bad news, but it's definitely not good news. Factor in his history and it doesn't take a quantum leap to think this could be further evidence of bad behavior or at the very least immaturity which wouldn't be an indication of someone turning the corner. Maybe he overpaid when he bought the house, who knows? But this is Justin Blackmon, troubled Jaguars WR we're talking about here, not John Q. Public. He's shown a pattern of behavior. Fair or not, that pattern will be used by people to analyze other events and decisions in his life.

I've had the misfortune of dealing with a family member who has had lifelong substance abuse issues as I'm sure many others on here have similar stories within their own families. That family member has gone through a multitude of expensive but failed rehabs, so I'm speaking from some experience in this arena. Each of those rehabs lets you know up front that the success rate is miniscule. I wouldn't cite the fact that Blackmon has completed rehab and assume that means anything yet if I were you because the statistics are not on your side. In short, the events surrounding the sale of his home are noteworthy because of who he is and who he has been. People on here talk about it. If speculating about the sale given the facts as we know them combined with his past, which is fair game, offends you I would advise finding another thread to read. In fact, you might want to avoid the internet entirely as this is pretty tame relatively speaking.

Because your family member = Justin Blackmon, making you the authority on everyone with an addiction problem.

Francis, out.
Quote:Looking at Josh Gordan I wouldn't get your expectations up thinking Blackmon will come back and be the same player again. Gordan missed less time and has played like trash ever since he came back. I don't think Blackmon will even be decent on return.

I also think Josh Gordon didnt truly solve anything, he had a nice media stunt of car salesman etc, but he doesnt appear to have addressed any of his issues and just believed he would automatically come back and be a top WR again.

Yes Blackmon has had his struggles whilst he has been off, but he's done the rehab and hopefully he has learnt.

I agree with an earlier poster who said, he eithers is on the team 2015 first day, or will likely never play again.

Let's hope he is the modern era Cris Carter.
Quote:The fact he sold it for about the same price as he purchased it for several years ago is telling. The housing market as a whole has come back the last couple of years. Maybe half million dollar houses weren't as affected and as a result haven't experienced the same level of appreciation as the rest of the housing market over the past couple of years, or maybe he REALLY needed to sell it. It seems like there should have been some appreciation in value over that time. I'm no real estate expert though.
I would have to see the house to say anything about it, not that I would know even after seeing it, never looked at 500k houses. But I would imagine with the issues he has had it might have some problems related to him or his (I would assume) posse that would have sometimes been at the place.

Also, while not my first assumption, he could just be trying to move on from a low point in his life. Houses can have great memories but they can harbor hurtful memories as well. Especially if he is trying to make a fresh start to get back in the NFL(even if just to get paid for a few years) it would be worth losing 50k or whatever to just get away from old habits and places.

Seriously, he bought it when the market was down, and sold it when the market was a tad bit better. But the liens had to be satisfied before it could be sold, and it's likely in much disrepair since he's been absent from it for so long.


For instance, if he had the A/C off while he was in rehab, or the power was turned off due to non-payment, the carpets would be full of mold from the hot summer months. Not saying this happened but anyone knows maintenance is required year round.


Regards.........................the Chiefjag

Quote:Because your family member = Justin Blackmon, making you the authority on everyone with an addiction problem.

Francis, out.
If you went through your life betting on rehab working the first time you would be broke. Predicting and hoping are 2 different things. There isn't a jaguar fan that doesn't want a man to turn his life around, Jaguar player or not, but to assume it will be rosy is putting on some thick blinders. There isn't a man here that doesn't want him to come back and post a couple 200 yard games a year, lead the jags to the next 5 SBs and be the best WR of all time, but it sure as hell isn't likely.
This thread is classic. Next we will be discussing if Blackmon winterized the home before leaving for rehab.
Quote:This thread is classic. Next we will be discussing if Blackmon winterized the home before leaving for rehab.
No, but I heard he bought some new weatherstripping to make sure no air escaped.
Quote:No, but I heard he bought some new weatherstripping to make sure no air escaped.
I'm sorry I couldn't resist.  I really feel bad for the guy.  I'm sad that he's put himself in this situation. Too much talent to waste like this.  Addiction is a horrible thing and I truly hope he can get cleaned up and return to playing football whether it's for us or anyone else.
I just hope he didn't sell it thinking he won't be back.

Quote:I just hope he didn't sell it thinking he won't be back.
Unfortunately, I think this may be the case.  Either that or he couldn't afford it anymore.
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