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Quote:Just a hunch and this is not meant to be derogatory, but I doubt you ever served.  When a new CO shows up, changes are fast and furious and always based on correcting issues that previously were neglected for whatever reason.

Exhibit A: Doug Marrone
Quote:You sure are fixated on this issue.
If it affects training and combat effectiveness then it is more than just an issue and one that should most definitely be addressed with a quickness. That goes for anything that detracts from the mission and purpose of our military.
Quote:Just a hunch and this is not meant to be derogatory, but I doubt you ever served.  When a new CO shows up, changes are fast and furious and always based on correcting issues that previously were neglected for whatever reason.
I think many who have a certain opinion of the military have never served. 
Quote:You make those that hold that idea afraid. By any necessary means. Ask yourself this question, why is it that Russia does not suffer the same fate as us when it comes to these terrorist attacks? The answer is take a look at how they handle them.

We've been bombing the [BLEEP] out of them for nearly 20 years. Kill one, two more come up. Destroying Isis won't eliminate terrorism. Another group will come into power.
Quote:You make those that hold that idea afraid. By any necessary means. Ask yourself this question, why is it that Russia does not suffer the same fate as us when it comes to these terrorist attacks? The answer is take a look at how they handle them.

Cause Russia doesn't try to protect Israel. Because they are anti-West. Because no one cares about Russia.
Quote:We've been bombing the [BAD WORD REMOVED] out of them for nearly 20 years. Kill one, two more come up. Destroying Isis won't eliminate terrorism. Another group will come into power.
the point is destroying them and for once actually having the infrastructure in place to stop the next group from coming to power.  Believe it or not Iraq was won in 2008 and then we neglected what we put in place creating ISIS, had we continued to give the Sons of Iraq (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Iraq) jobs they would have never left to become ISIS.  There is a great documentary called losing IRAQ by pbs (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/losing-iraq/) I suggest watching it.  Also I was in Iraq in 2007-2008 and watched that country turn around only to be neglected over the next 4 years.

The express purpose of the Military is to Kill People and Break Things, And Mad Dog is doing just that.

Quote:We've been bombing the [BAD WORD REMOVED] out of them for nearly 20 years. Kill one, two more come up. Destroying Isis won't eliminate terrorism. Another group will come into power.


Quote:Cause Russia doesn't try to protect Israel. Because they are anti-West. Because no one cares about Russia.
Wrong!  Because the last time they attempted to "terrorize" Russia, Russia retaliated without regard to civilian casualties.  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SANITARY WAR!  The very reason radical Islamist terrorize us is because we as a nation currently lack the intestinal fortitude to fight this war.  
Quote:Wrong!  Because the last time they attempted to "terrorize" Russia, Russia retaliated without regard to civilian casualties.  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SANITARY WAR!  The very reason radical Islamist terrorize us is because we as a nation currently lack the intestinal fortitude to fight this war.  

 Well said!


 Appeasement inevitably leads to more attacks and more widespread attacks.
You may not be able to totally defeat an ideology but if you do not confront it, it will spread. Europe opened their gates to this madness and did not confront it and now they live in terror. 


If ISIS suffers lots of humiliating defeats, fewer people will want to join up with them and that is a bonus for us. We will be fighting this ideology for another hundred years at least because we have been fighting it for the last 200+ years. 


Civilian casualties are a part of war, we are at war. I have confidence in our forces that we do our best to limit that where we can, but it sounds like Mattis is doing a fine job. 

I love me some Mad Dog Mattis
Quote:Mattis isn't going to stop terrrorism. How do you stop an idea?

WWII was a wasted effort. You read it here first, folks.
Quote:Here is something for you to chew on, war is not pretty. War is not sanitary. War is not something one declares casually. With that said, once war is declared you play to win. There will be unintended consequences. There will be civilian casualties. It is unfortunate but these are cold hard facts. Just like the Game of Thrones, you play to win or you die.

Here's something to chew on. Every time you kill the kid of an innocent civilian who is in the kill zone of a strike intended to only take out terrorists, you create a new terrorist. I'm all for pre-emptively killing those who are plotting attacks against us or our allies. But you don't burn down your house to get rid of a few cockroaches. I'm hopeful these were precision strikes with no civilian casualties. But stop with the tough guy talk. It's ignorant.
Quote:Here's something to chew on. Every time you kill the kid of an innocent civilian who is in the kill zone of a strike intended to only take out terrorists, you create a new terrorist. I'm all for pre-emptively killing those who are plotting attacks against us or our allies. But you don't burn down your house to get rid of a few cockroaches. I'm hopeful these were precision strikes with no civilian casualties. But stop with the tough guy talk. It's ignorant.

This^ is the [BLEEP] mindset that got this country thrown into the cesspool in the first place.. So glad we voted that [BLEEP] mindset out.
Quote:Here's something to chew on. Every time you kill the kid of an innocent civilian who is in the kill zone of a strike intended to only take out terrorists, you create a new terrorist. I'm all for pre-emptively killing those who are plotting attacks against us or our allies. But you don't burn down your house to get rid of a few cockroaches. I'm hopeful these were precision strikes with no civilian casualties. But stop with the tough guy talk. It's ignorant.

I don't see a single thing copycat said that implies "tough guy talk". You are simply trying to create something that isn't there for the sake of argument. 
Quote:Cause Russia doesn't try to protect Israel. Because they are anti-West. Because no one cares about Russia.

Damn those Jeeeeewwwwss, it's always their fault. We need some kinda final solution to this never ending problem, right?

Quote:Here's something to chew on. Every time you kill the kid of an innocent civilian who is in the kill zone of a strike intended to only take out terrorists, you create a new terrorist. I'm all for pre-emptively killing those who are plotting attacks against us or our allies. But you don't burn down your house to get rid of a few cockroaches. I'm hopeful these were precision strikes with no civilian casualties. But stop with the tough guy talk. It's ignorant.

Yeah, bull [BLEEP].
Quote:Here's something to chew on. Every time you kill the kid of an innocent civilian who is in the kill zone of a strike intended to only take out terrorists, you create a new terrorist. I'm all for pre-emptively killing those who are plotting attacks against us or our allies. But you don't burn down your house to get rid of a few cockroaches. I'm hopeful these were precision strikes with no civilian casualties. But stop with the tough guy talk. It's ignorant.

This is the kind of comment the just proves your ignorance. You make a large assumption from your tiny point of view. Go educate yourself about the efforts the U.S. Military goes through to decide targeting and value of such. Then go educate yourself on how other countries do so. Pull your head out and quit playing pot stirrer for once. Surely you aren't being this dumb on purpose!?
So civilians don't get killed in drone strikes or military operations that take out known terrorists? Or we shouldn't care about them as all Muslims want to kill us?
Quote:So civilians don't get killed in drone strikes or military operations that take out known terrorists? Or we shouldn't care about them as all Muslims want to kill us?

We do care about them and go to inordinate lengths to avoid harming them.
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