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Full Version: Telvin Smith is a leader - locker room video
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Smith and Colvin both seem like those "flashy" players. The type of player people want to buy a jersey of. As fans we have wanted those loud in your face kind of players and I think we have 2 on defense. I also think Lee is one on offense...love seeing him get up and throw the first down sign and get in the face of defenders. Kid has some swagitude.


He will be.  He was on the bubble to start this year.  He'll be gone this offseason.


I notice Telvin and Colvin are 2 high energy guys on the field but it looks like those 2 are becoming leaders in the locker room too. Not only that but they're backing it up making plays.



Its pretty well documented that despite all the other more hyped players on that FSU defense (like Jernigan), that Telvin was the heart and soul of that unit. He needs to get a little stronger while not sacrificing his speed, continue to gain experience, and it looks like he'll be playing that role for our unit as well.
agreed with the esteemed David4499

Sanders needs to go back to smoking whatever he was smoking when he used to be good. Its like those artists who lose their muse unless they're on something...
Quote:Sanders needs to go back to smoking whatever he was smoking when he used to be good. Its like those artists who lose their muse unless they're on something...
used to be good??
Quote:used to be good??
 51 grabs, 22 going for First downs (with a long of 50+ yards) for his rookie year. Yeah, that's pretty good for a rookie.
Quote:So now goofy dances make you a leader... C'mon man!

You seem like more of a Jag-off to me.
Quote:Where does this even come from?

A particularly vacant space.
Loved Gus' breakdown of the stats, particularly when he got to Marks.
Quote:A particularly vacant space.
Come on, FBT, you can't go making comments about posters like that.
Quote:Come on, FBT, you can't go making comments about posters like that.

LoL we should all be used to it by now. The mods here are the ones typically first to troll or call other people names or hurl insults.
Quote:LoL we should all be used to it by now. The mods here are the ones typically first to troll or call other people names or hurl insults.
Well it's time that it stops. It's not something that we should have to get used to. In Nazi Germany, that's what people under that regime did - got used to it.


I've reported some of the things that he has said. Hopefully it can be resolved.
When I viewed the post-game locker room video with Smith and Colvin, my mental takeaway was I would love to play with these guys if I were still playing (and was NFL caliber).  Without the big market endorsement opportunities and the current record, many have asked how Jax can attract free agents or retain wanted players beyond just paying a competitive salary package....that video is your answer.  All these players talk to other players. 

Now that is a locker room guys want to be a part of.

Quote:Well it's time that it stops. It's not something that we should have to get used to. In Nazi Germany, that's what people under that regime did - got used to it.


I've reported some of the things that he has said. Hopefully it can be resolved.

you just made that comparison?


your comparing a message board mod that calls you an idiot to the persecution and mass slaughter of an entire race of people

seriously, for your own good get a sense of perspective


on the original topic


the two scoopers of doom may mock this and rightfully so, it's 53 grown men dancing around for a mostly meaningless win 

what i took away from this was that these wins though pointless in the grand scheme of things mean so much to a team thats been kicked around most of the year
Breaking: Every Baskin Robbins in North Florida will be closed for the weekend to resupply in the wake of the biggest ice cream party in documented human history. After the Jacksonville Jaguars won, coach Gus Bradley promised unlimited scoops and toppings for "this special group." Apparently Red Bryant reportedly ate 25 drums of Rocky Road all by himself.
Quote:Where does this even come from?

Self inflicted brain injury.
Quote:Well it's time that it stops. It's not something that we should have to get used to. In Nazi Germany, that's what people under that regime did - got used to it.


I've reported some of the things that he has said. Hopefully it can be resolved.

You might have set a record for a demonstration of Godwin's Law. Not even two full pages into the thread, and you went there. Congratulations. 
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