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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Titans Thursday Night Football Game Thread***
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Too much of a deficit
Ken Whisenhunt out coaching gus
Do we have 20 yards of offense yet?
Sad even the announcers are trashing this team. Making a reference at standing 15 yards off the line of scrimmage. Glad I donated my tickets tonight
Bend but don't break D...  I'm telling you, I know we have holes on D, but overall, we're really pretty good.

Well, the D let them have that FG.

We have less than 20 yards and no points against one of the worst defenses in football, that's unfathomable.
Quote:Sad even the announcers are trashing this team. Making a reference at standing 15 yards off the line of scrimmage. Glad I donated my tickets tonight

You managed to break even on the transaction? That's impressive.
Whose hunt balling on us
The offense is playing bend and break offense.  Wow talk about pathetic

I blame David as much as Gus this is his freaking roster, complete garbage. damn it losing to the freaking tacks!!!!!

Whisenhunt lol
Can someone explain to me how the hell we won 2 games this season??
At least the playoffs are coming up. Can watch some real competitive football and not just some schmoes out to collect a paycheck for the week.

Come on blake. Get a TD
We can still win this game, I gosh darn guarantee 13 points...

Ok, 2 yards and a cloud of dust. How I miss those days.

Quote:Bend but don't break D...  I'm telling you, I know we have holes on D, but overall, we're really pretty good.

Football is a game of passion. The offense sucks the passion out of this team.


I honestly believe if the offense played half as good as the defense the defense itself would be way better.
We really need something before the half.

Put in Henne
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