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Full Version: 2014 vs 2013 -- Record, Points for, Points against
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Quote:I saw one enthusiastic Jaguars fan on twitter earnestly say that this years team is "way better" than the 2010 team (which went 8-8), and that the "NFL will never make sense" which I guess is his explanation for why this talented team has only managed 2 wins. 

Oh my gosh...  First of all, I can't believe 2010 was 4 years ago.  Time really feels like its moving alot faster as you get older.


Second of all, 2010 feels like an epoch ago in terms of the direction this team has headed for the last 4 years.


Seriously, we keep sayimg every off season that the arrow is pointing up...  I'm not sure I have confidence in our collective abilities to analyze the progress of this team.  LOL


I will say though, if we can fix our O-Line, we could easily go 8-8 next year if we catch some breaks

Quote:Oh my gosh...  First of all, I can't believe 2010 was 4 years ago.  Time really feels like its moving alot faster as you get older.


Second of all, 2010 feels like an epoch ago in terms of the direction this team has headed for the last 4 years.


Seriously, we keep say every off season that the arrow is pointing up...  I'm not sure I have confidence in our collective abilities to analyze the progress of this team.  LOL


I will say though, if we can fix our O-Line, we could easily go 8-8 next year if we catch some breaks
I feel the same way.  That O line is a serious liability at this point.  BB has no time back there.  He's tried to make stuff happen and had a little success doing it, but it would be nice if a play could develop every once in a while.  I think we need a couple of solid vets on that line and perhaps some better coaching.  I, for one, am tired of getting sucked in with the arrow pointing up business every year.  I'm sure I'll be there in my seat next year because there's no place I'd rather be on game day, but I'm just not going to have high expectations until I see something better than the garbage we've been subject to since God knows when.


Seriously, we keep sayimg every off season that the arrow is pointing up...  I'm not sure I have confidence in our collective abilities to analyze the progress of this team.  LOL

Best point of the thread
Fix OLine


Healthy WRs --- Blake and the WRs need to really spend some time this winter/spring in Orlando getting on the same page the way Culpepper and Randy Moss used to do in South Florida  /// Manning used to do this with his WRs as well. 


Reliable TE -- Lewis is inconsistent and injury prone.



Fix the above ..... Minimum 6 wins and could realistically get to 8-8

Quote:I saw one enthusiastic  delusional Jaguars fan on twitter earnestly say that this years team is "way better" than the 2010 team (which went 8-8), and that the "NFL will never make sense" which I guess is his explanation for why this talented team has only managed 2 wins. 

I fixed that for you.
Quote:Thought bubble...

Hahaha...Khan is giving me another couple years. Chump fans want me fired. Ha. Ain't happenen.

Go Jag wires!
How many of those 2014 points given up are on returns?
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