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Full Version: Why are people protesting?
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Quote:So, judging from the few responses I've read, we no longer want to allow peaceful protesting because these "snowflakes" need to get over their concerns?

My wife went to the march. It wasn't just for people in this country--it was women's rights worldwide.

Look, the fact is, our new President has said a great many things that have shown he has little respect for women in general
. When the leader of your country says things like that, it makes people afraid that he might act on his beliefs and turn back the clock.

Apart from that, conservatives in general have galvanized behind him and pretty much defend his every word and act at this point. So not only do we have a leader who seems pretty sexist, we have people who are now backing him wholeheartedly regardless of what he says or does.

It wasn't necessarily about campaigning fot equal rights; it was a statement that women matter, their rights matter, and they are worthy of respect. My wife is pro-life (which goes much deeper than birth) and went because she agreed with pretty much everything else.

The protest wasn't anti-Trump. It was just to make a statement about things that these people feel matter and need to be kept in mind.

As an aside, a rule of the march was not to leave garbage afterward--something my wife is absolutely furious about.

And by the way, good for Trump for his tweet about the protest. He handled that very well, and I agree completely with what he said.
If you read the signs that were there, you would see that many of the women at the protest have just as little respect for themselves as they accuse Trump of having for them. I cannot take this argument seriously with the vitriol spewed and recorded from the march.
There are people on my Facebook page that I have no idea how I ever connected with on a friendship level at some point in our lives.

I mean, they think EVERYONE is disappointed and upset at who won. Posting puppy pictures because "everyone needs a break from what happened". It is a shame people can't see the good in the things Trump wants to do and think everything is just perfectly fine.

I try not to let someone's political views affect what I think about them on a personal level, but it is getting to a point where that is becoming impossible.
Quote:There are people on my Facebook page that I have no idea how I ever connected with on a friendship level at some point in our lives.

I mean, they think EVERYONE is disappointed and upset at who won. Posting puppy pictures because "everyone needs a break from what happened". It is a shame people can't see the good in the things Trump wants to do and think everything is just perfectly fine.

I try not to let someone's political views affect what I think about them on a personal level, but it is getting to a point where that is becoming impossible.


That is one of the big reasons I quit going on FB and other social media sites (excluding this MB of course).

Politics get SO very personal to people. It does nothing but make many people mad, and divides people that otherwise have been close to each other for a long time (I've seen it happen in families too).

It's best to just stay away from it (for me).

That is one of the big reasons I quit going on FB and other social media sites (excluding this MB of course).

Politics get SO very personal to people. It does nothing but make many people mad, and divides people that otherwise have been close to each other for a long time (I've seen it happen in families too).

It's best to just stay away from it (for me).

It's often funny how those who profess to be the least religious are the most politically zealous. 
Quote:There are people on my Facebook page that I have no idea how I ever connected with on a friendship level at some point in our lives.

I mean, they think EVERYONE is disappointed and upset at who won. Posting puppy pictures because "everyone needs a break from what happened". It is a shame people can't see the good in the things Trump wants to do and think everything is just perfectly fine.

I try not to let someone's political views affect what I think about them on a personal level, but it is getting to a point where that is becoming impossible.

Some of my Facebook friends just couldn't get over it, defriending everyone who voted for Trump. And the pro-Trumpsters aren't innocent either, lots of gloating posts.


Contrast that to this forum. While there have been spirited arguments and some minor insults tossed here, everyone has been civil. It's really nice to be in a political forum where both sides are well represented yet everyone gets along.

Quote:Some of my Facebook friends just couldn't get over it, defriending everyone who voted for Trump. And the pro-Trumpsters aren't innocent either, lots of gloating posts.


Contrast that to this forum. While there have been spirited arguments and some minor insults tossed here, everyone has been civil. It's really nice to be in a political forum where both sides are well represented yet everyone gets along.
You'll learn pretty fast that Facebook is the absolute worst.


I was in college when it first came out and it was awesome. Now, it's the worst social media outlet and the older generation has just ruined it. 
Quote:If you read the signs that were there, you would see that many of the women at the protest have just as little respect for themselves as they accuse Trump of having for them. I cannot take this argument seriously with the vitriol spewed and recorded from the march.

 I mean, you know this actually happened worldwide, right?  It wasn't just in D.C.  This is something that was orchestrated and coordinated all over the globe.


Do you have some examples you'd like to share?  I agree, there were some behaviors there that were shameful.  However, that's doing the same as calling everyone who voted for Trump a racist.
Quote: I mean, you know this actually happened worldwide, right? It wasn't just in D.C. This is something that was orchestrated and coordinated all over the globe.

Do you have some examples you'd like to share? I agree, there were some behaviors there that were shameful. However, that's doing the same as calling everyone who voted for Trump a racist.

You don't have to tie a noose to be a racist, but you can drive someone to the store so they can buy a rope, knowing their intentions.
Quote:You'll learn pretty fast that Facebook is the absolute worst.


I was in college when it first came out and it was awesome. Now, it's the worst social media outlet and the older generation has just ruined it. 
I only signed up for it when my 20 year class reunion was coming up and I wanted to catch up with folks beforehand. I ended up not being able to go and should have just shut it down but I live in a different state than 99.9% of my family so I kept it up. Now I have unfollowed so many people that I may as well shut it down. It was a fun place to keep up with long distance friends and family. Now it's a cesspool of stupidity. I am finding the less I know about someone's political opinions the better off I am, and that includes people whose political opinions I agree with for the most part. Folks can't just leave well enough alone, they have to beat a dead horse over and over. I already uninstalled the app from my phone, the Kindle is next.
It's not "protesting" it's whining.

Quote:It's not "protesting" it's whining.

There are happy people who are self reliant.


Then there are those who are miserable and cast blame on everyone else, trying to make "victims" and causes out of every single facet of their miserable lives.

Because they don't like Limo's?




[Image: 1485292297261.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]

Quote:There are happy people who are self reliant.


Then there are those who are miserable and cast blame on everyone else, trying to make "victims" and causes out of every single facet of their miserable lives.

I know several very successful, self-reliant professional women who attended. They just know a slug when they see one.
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