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Clemons just attempted the most laughable tackle ive ever seen in the history of the NFL.

Quote:Complere whiff, should have lit him up, probably trying to avoid some [BLEEP] defensless player in a skirt penalty or something
Lol you may be in to something there .
22K fine for Telvin again.

Juice (our FB who made the catch) is very deceptive and shifty.


Might have something to do with the fact he went to Harvard.

Quote:I'm not giving up on Joeckel yet, but he's got me VERY worried.
Don't go down with that sinking ship man. He ain't good; backup material at best.
Inconclusive...the play stands?

Quote:If it was any smaller it would not have been even close to down.
I hope this is one of those inconclusive ones.   We need a break here.
Quote:Unfortunately, I think we are good enough to beat the tacks next week.
 You get mad if the Jags do anything well. It ruins your schtick.
Wow. I thought he was down
SWEET !!!!

Fantastic play by Clemons! :thumbsup:

Um are the refs blind lol wow, but thank you!



Yay we win?
Wow!!  We never get these breaks!

We got lucky. I will take it
Longest developing 5 yd pass ever
We got lucky on that. I'll take it tho
Quote:Um are the refs blind lol wow, but thank you!

There's your pa hater
What kind of routes do they run on 1st down PA pass sheesh?  They need to run across the field, not just vertically

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