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Quote:Some people will wish any sort of success with this bunch.

God forbid fans wish "any sort of success" for the players and team they root for.


We can't have any of that around here. No one is allowed to ever look for the silver-lining because that's just blind fanaticism and we CANNOT allow that on a fan messageboard. We must be doom and gloom, oops I mean "realistic", at all times on a fan messageboard.



Ok - we truly have no bright side as we are set to pick 3rd in the draft. 


Come on - we HAVE to lose to the Titans...

Quote:Or Winston.

This would be ideal for Jacksonville. I hope they do take him. 
While the lack of penalties isn't a reliable indicator of success,   I saw a positive statistic today regarding the 2014 Jaguars.   It's possible that this stat could contribute to Gus Bradley getting another season as Jaguars HC,   if the decision hasn't been made yet:




The NFL's least-penalized team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, have committed 61 in 13 games. That's an average of 4.7 infractions per game. But that only further validates the point fewer penalties don't lead to more wins. Jacksonville is tied for the worst record in the NFL at 2-11.



Ok - we truly have no bright side as we are set to pick 3rd in the draft. 


Come on - we HAVE to lose to the Titans...

lol, So there actually might be some good that comes out of a loss to the tacks?


I just can't root for a loss to the hated tacks, I just can't.

Quote:While the lack of penalties isn't a reliable indicator of success, I saw a positive statistic today regarding the 2014 Jaguars. It's possible that this stat could contribute to Gus Bradley getting another season as Jaguars HC, if the decision hasn't been made yet:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.mlive.com/lions/index.ssf/2014/12/detroit_lions_coach_jim_caldwe_5.html'>http://www.mlive.com/lions/index.ssf/2014/12/detroit_lions_coach_jim_caldwe_5.html</a>

The NFL's least-penalized team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, have committed 61 in 13 games. That's an average of 4.7 infractions per game. But that only further validates the point fewer penalties don't lead to more wins. Jacksonville is tied for the worst record in the NFL at 2-11.

Least penalized, yet one of the youngest teams in the league. We have that going for us anyway.
Marcedes looked good yesterday...
It wasn't hot... that's the best I could come up with.
Quote:This would be ideal for Jacksonville. I hope they do take him.
he would be soo screwed... landlocked states don't have good crablegs supplies.
As I see it if we were to land the #1 pick in the draft it wouldn't do us a lot of good since the other teams picking behind us know we won't be picking Mariota or Winston so they have no incentive to trade with us. Now if a team like Washington or St. Louis or Chicago, who might be picking 5-8 want Mariota and know they have to jump Tenn or Oakland to get him, then we might have a trading partner.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag

Quote:As I see it if we were to land the #1 pick in the draft it wouldn't do us a lot of good since the other teams picking behind us know we won't be picking Mariota or Winston so they have no incentive to trade with us. Now if a team like Washington or St. Louis or Chicago, who might be picking 5-8 want Mariota and know they have to jump Tenn or Oakland to get him, then we might have a trading partner.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag

It would take some GM suave but you could draft one of those QBs then the teams wanting them wouldn't have a choice but to trade.


And worst case scenario is we have BB vs Mariota/Winston the next 2 years.
If we were to stay at #1 and draft a Mariota or Winston with the intent to trade him we would have to sign him to a contract first before a trade would be permitted.


Regards............................the Chiefjag

We need the top pick and hold a ransom's note for a RGIII type draft trade.  This team needs so much more than another QB.

Quote:If we were to stay at #1 and draft a Mariota or Winston with the intent to trade him we would have to sign him to a contract first before a trade would be permitted.


Regards............................the Chiefjag
I don't think you have to do that - example being Eli Manning being traded..
Quote:Least penalized, yet one of the youngest teams in the league. We have that going for us anyway.


I think the combination is significant.  To the point that if Dave Caldwell is the person that's making the final decision on whether Gus Bradley comes back for a 3rd season,   I think Bradley will be back. 
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