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Quote:Phantom pressure....
I think you would feel pressure, too, if you were playing behind a line that's given up the most sacks in the NFL and the second most QB hits. Bortles is playing fine right now.
Come on Defense started out great don't slack off now

cyp, smh

So many missed tackles
Quote:Missed tackles

 Yep, missed opportunities out there today
Need a sack here
come D get off the field hold them here

Andre down

Telvin murdered Johnson, BS call
Helmet off play stops

Johnson hurt whats the flag for? That was a clean hit.

Hey, its the "no tackling allowed" flag.

Johnson out of the game.
Yes, great pop

Johnson is out. Penalty for helmet to helmet I bet
Oh noooooo

That call is trash
That was a good hit. Telvin flashing.

I hate that penalty call. Just because the helmet flew off?
Horrible flag, only reason that was called was because his helmet came off and he looked to be knocked out.
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