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Full Version: Credit Where Credit Is Due To Obama
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I tend to think these attacks would go way way down if foreign powers left the middle east.
I agree for the most part. However, the instability of that area left alone creates a global threat.


That must be addressed for all people of all nations.
Quote:I agree for the most part. However, the instability of that area left alone creates a global threat.

That must be addressed for all people of all nations.
The middle east has always been unstable, even hundreds of years BC the area is has been been prone to huge power shifts every few years.

The people who live there should be left alone to choose who and what they want to support. Having the US fill the area with troops and mercenaries to take all the oil in the area doesn't help.
Quote:The middle east has always been unstable, even hundreds of years BC the area is has been been prone to huge power shifts every few years.

The people who live there should be left alone to choose who and what they want to support. Having the US fill the area with troops and mercenaries to take all the oil in the area doesn't help.
You realize that the US has more oil than they do, don't you?


If the instability remained within the borders of those countries, I think the rest of the world would be more inclined to leave them alone. That is not reality though. These people sneak into peaceful areas and cause harm and havoc. Other countries have the right to protect themselves from these unprovoked attacks and murders.
Quote:You realize that the US has more oil than they do, don't you?

If the instability remained within the borders of those countries, I think the rest of the world would be more inclined to leave them alone. That is not reality though. These people sneak into peaceful areas and cause harm and havoc. Other countries have the right to protect themselves from these unprovoked attacks and murders.

Yes but they wanted the oil in the middle east. More for global power than $$$, although I believe the middle east has many valuable minerals there too.

The instability still remains. Just now there is a foreign power occupying territory that is not its own. In your eyes you might be "peace keeping" but to millions of others the USA is the biggest terrorist in the word.
Quote:Yes but they wanted the oil in the middle east. More for global power than $$$, although I believe the middle east has many valuable minerals there too.

The instability still remains. Just now there is a foreign power occupying territory that is not its own. In your eyes you might be "peace keeping" but to millions of others the USA is the biggest terrorist in the word.
While that perception may be so, without that blanket of protection the US provides not only itself, but other peaceful nations such as yours, terrorism would be more rampant than it already is.


Do you really want to leave your home fearing that you may have your head cut off, or that your wife of daughter may have a glass of acid poured onto their face? Is that any way to live?
Quote:While that perception may be so, without that blanket of protection the US provides not only itself, but other peaceful nations such as yours, terrorism would be more rampant than it already is.

Do you really want to leave your home fearing that you may have your head cut off, or that your wife of daughter may have a glass of acid poured onto their face? Is that any way to live?

I have no fear of any of that happening.

The US is supremely powerful and influential. Can do great work for nations when its aim is purely to help and aid. The Peace process here is an example of that.

It goes wrong when the US creates puppets ,controls governments, secures resrouces and operates freely in territory that is not its own.
Quote:I have no fear of any of that happening.

The US is supremely powerful and influential. Can do great work for nations when its aim is purely to help and aid. The Peace process here is an example of that.

It goes wrong when the US creates puppets ,controls governments, secures resrouces and operates freely in territory that is not its own.
How much of a problem is that in Wexford Ireland these days?
The U.S. does have a tendency to meddle in other countries business...but when they are a threat to other peaceful nations and/or the entire world, the meddling is necessary.

Quote:How much of a problem is that in Wexford Ireland these days?

No problems here in the sunny south east. Just sticking up for weaker countries being taken over by foreign powers.
Quote:No problems here in the sunny south east. Just sticking up for weaker countries being taken over by foreign powers.
Do you see a difference between what Putin is doing in Crimea and the Ukraine, and what the US is doing in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan?


What do you think the intentions are for Russia. And the same for the US. Do you think this is the same thing?
When was the last time the U.S. took over a country?

Quote:Do you see a difference between what Putin is doing in Crimea and the Ukraine, and what the US is doing in Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan?

What do you think the intentions are for Russia. And the same for the US. Do you think this is the same thing?

They arn't that different, Putin took over in Crimea because it once belonged to the Soviet Union, he wanted to send a message to NATO and the world that Russia is still a global power.

The US flew for miles and miles to far away land to control middle eastern oil,investigate Sadam for "weapons of mass destruction" and to establish more power in the middle east and the world.
Quote:When was the last time the U.S. took over a country?

Well you occupy land that is not your own on foreign soil and arn't giving it back. What would you call it?
That's not taking over a country...that is fighting terrorist.

Quote:They arn't that different, Putin took over in Crimea because it once belonged to the Soviet Union, he wanted to send a message to NATO and the world that Russia is still a global power.

The US flew for miles and miles to far away land to control middle eastern oil,investigate Sadam for "weapons of mass destruction" and to establish more power in the middle east and the world.
You don't think that some of the intent was to get a handle on terrorism after over 3000 innocent civilians were killed by foreign invaders.


Who invaded who?


If your country suffered such a catastrophic loss at the hands of islamic extremist terrorism, you may think differently.


Remember, I was closer to the losses that day than most Americans.
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Some Brits still have a stick up their butt because we didn't jump into WWII sooner.
Remember when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Quote:Remember when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Was it over?
Quote:You don't think that some of the intent was to get a handle on terrorism after over 3000 innocent civilians were killed by foreign invaders.

Who invaded who?

If your country suffered such a catastrophic loss at the hands of islamic extremist terrorism, you may think differently.

Remember, I was closer to the losses that day than most Americans.

I answered that badly.

Yeah that's fair enough, not going to lie and say I wouldn't want us to retaliate after that.

Problem is 1) Which country organised the attacks? 2) Why are you still there in 2017? Has the debt been paid yet? The US have killed over 1,000 civilians so far, do more have to be killed until it equals the lives lost of the US? What's the end game?
Quote:I answered that badly.

Yeah that's fair enough, not going to lie and say I wouldn't want us to retaliate after that.

Problem is 1) Which country organised the attacks? 2) Why are you still there in 2017? Has the debt been paid yet? The US have killed over 1,000 civilians so far, do more have to be killed until it equals the lives lost of the US? What's the end game?
1. That really is incidental. Many countries cultivate these groups and actions. They are equally responsible for not putting a stop to it themselves.

2. The US is still there because the terrorists are still there. If the countries took handle on this problem themselves, the US would be the first to leave them all alone.

3. WW2 history shows that the quickest way to stop an aggressor is to overwhelm them with power. Did many civilians die in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Of course. How many MORE would have died had those actions not been taken? Nobody will ever know, but common sense suggests that that overwhelming action put a quick, definitive end to the conflict.

4. The end game is the same that you and I both want for the world. Peace. There can be no peace until these countries start self policing and eliminating terrorism. There is ZERO excuse for terrorism.
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