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If the words had fallen out of some other politician's mouth, this would have died a long time ago. And yes, I have heard dudes joke about way more terrible [BLEEP] than that. Trump was implying that the ladies had loose morals and would let dudes do whatever they wanted to them. Key term being "let". He didn't say "man, I could hold them down against their will and grab them by the cooter". The guy talks like a billionaire who is surrounded by paid for women. So while I am no fan of Trump (or Hillary; I see that coming), I pick actual issues to dislike him about. 

Quote:At least he's up front and honest with his [BAD WORD REMOVED] to the people. And I think that's why the majority of the people like him. Because he doesn't hide his true colors. On the major issues in the political spectrum he doesn't hold anything back at all.

So you're cool with presidents lying about not raising taxes and WMD's.... which resulted in hurting the average American family and the slaughtering of innocent lives overseas and the result of our soldiers coming back broken down physically and mentally?

Cool.... real cool of you man....

He has hidden his tax returns.
I am an otherwise good guy. For almost 10 years, I worked with juvie kids who did and said some horrid things. We could joke about just about anything from murder to "shower hugs" and it was never serious. You just get desensitized and end up joking about things that other people would be crying or sick to their stomach about. So I give people a fair amount of ground when it comes to what they find to be humorous. 

Same folks who voted for the pathological liar and treasonous/criminal skank that is shrillary are actually complaining about this? Buuuwwwaaaaaa!!!

That's gold Jerry, gold.

It's essentially just one more piece to the puzzle. It's not overwhelmingly damning in and of itself, but yet another example of Trump revealing what he is.

Quote:I already don't buy the product.

We know, believe me.
Quote:It's essentially just one more piece to the puzzle. It's not overwhelmingly damning in and of itself, but yet another example of Trump revealing what he is.

There is no puzzle, we all know what he is and the country decided he was still better than Shrilly.

With all the white noise, tweets, confirmation hearings and other distractions.. let's not lose sight of the verified fact that Trump is a compulsive and incurable liar.

His narcissism requires him to do and say things that will get attention. That's what he craves. Zero doubt this is complete and utter bull [BAD WORD REMOVED].

And it's hardly the first or worst thing he has lied about. Believe me.

We've elected Vladimir Putin.   That's all there is to it.  
Quote:Same folks who voted for the pathological liar and treasonous/criminal skank that is shrillary are actually complaining about this? Buuuwwwaaaaaa!!!

That's gold Jerry, gold.

Hillary is a bald faced liar. That's not being disputed.

But she lies about political things. Hillary wouldn't lie about something as stupid as this.

This is tragic and clearly a bad job at trying to appear important. Why lie about this? Why stage a photo and lie about the room? Why lie about what you are writing? The only answer is an insatiable need for others to feel he looks important. He looks like a buffoon.
Quote:Stanhope rules.

He's the best. Been following him for a few years now. His podcast is class.
Quote:Me too, we're such scumbags.

Off to room 101 with us. Creative thought is not desired here.
Quote:I think in that case it was an attempt to brag. Not in a way anyone I would associate with would.

I don't want to get sidetracked from the original post.

Can we agree this is a poorly staged, poorly executed lie?

Yeah sure Trump lies a lot. As you said he's a pathological lier.

Really throws into question all the bad stuff he says. If he lies about everything well then perhaps he doesn't mean what he says?
Eh, I'd rather him be posting pictures of him 'fake writing his speech' than meeting with guys like William H. Pryor as potential SCOTUS nominees.  In fact I'd rather him spend most of his time tweeting, than him actually getting anything done.  

This is pretty harmless.  I mean only conservatives will drool over pictures of him 'writing his own speech' as such a great and wonderful thing.  (I wonder if he is going to 'borrow' from Obama like his wife 'borrowed' from Michelle.)

Quote:Great example. That is a political lie on par with "read my lips."

This is not a political lie. This is a "I need attention" lie. This is posting a fake message on social media lie. People who do that have something clearly wrong with them.

So all those kids at signing ceremonies are necessary to the legislative process?
Quote:Hillary is a bald faced liar. That's not being disputed.

But she lies about political things. Hillary wouldn't lie about something as stupid as this.

I was named after Edmond Hillary....

My daughter and I landed under sniper fire...

This heinous video...

I did not send or receive...

Tramp lies are just jokes.

With all the white noise, tweets, confirmation hearings and other distractions.. let's not lose sight of the verified fact that Trump is a compulsive and incurable liar.

His narcissism requires him to do and say things that will get attention. That's what he craves. Zero doubt this is complete and utter bull [BAD WORD REMOVED].

And it's hardly the first or worst thing he has lied about. Believe me.
If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.


If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period!


Families will save 2500 dollars per year on healthcare.
So the King of Self Promotion staged a photo on social media... I'm shocked, I tell you. Believe me.
Ozzy wrote about this disorder.


Please seek personal help.

Quote:If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period!

Families will save 2500 dollars per year on healthcare.

Yep. All political lies.

But did Obama ever say.. I beat LeBron in a one on one.. or.. I beat Joey Chestnut in a hot dog eating contest. That would be an example of a non-political lie.

The whole premise of his staged photo op is nonsensical and unnecessary.
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