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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. New York Giants Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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Jags trying to make a game out of it.

Man, already have a penalty to work against us. Would be nice to get a td on offense too..

Our defense needs a pick, I can't remember our last pick. We know Eli is good for at least 1.
I predict we make a comeback and win the rest of the games on the schedule.  


We just miss out on several impact players in the 2015 NFL draft because of some meaningless wins..

Quote:I feel like we're watching the transition of Anakin becoming Vader with Gus. He's getting so cheesed off lately.

That Anakin was one horrible actor.  I'd prefer to think of my coach from the Empire Strikes Back.  Luke becoming a trained Jedi instead of the snot nosed kid from A New Hope
The NFL makes up rules on the spot if it will help screw the Jags.
Damn Denard....Cut him!

Quote:Jags defense trying to make a game out of it.

The heck was that.

We need an NFL running back that can block.

They're asking drob to block a de
Can we at least use Gerhart to block?? More awesome coaching and scheme.

Woo 1st down off penalty!
Teams amazing at going backwards
What the heck is Blake doing?

just woke upwhat did i miss? ugh sack I'm going back to sleep

Draft Mariota
How can BB do anything with this pitiful line??????
Throw it away Blake GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!