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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. N. Y. Giants Game Day Thread***
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Quote:How are the fans not rioting right now?

They don't care anymore
Quote:Would you believe there is a special teams worse than us?

So what. the Jags put the SPECIAL in special teams.
THey have just given up. Simple as that. They have quit on Gus.

Rookie tearing us apart
Coughlin is owning us

Maybe it is the coaching
Quote:The Jags have a total of 4 yds and the Giants have 197.

Stop knee jerking bro. 
Gratz getting taken advantage of like a school girl out there.

This just looks jokingly easy. Stadium empty at halftime.

Quote:2 scoops of mint chocolate chip for you Hurns! You may not have caught the ball but you competed for it man and that's what it's all about!

Special Sunday if they even show up at the game


Quote:Coughlin is owning us

Maybe it is the coaching

You know it.
Aaron Colvin on the coverage... garbage announcers.

Khan has put a team together bad enough to kill all local support so he can move to ______.
Quote:We could have had Beckham and Carr instead of Bortles and Lee. Hmmm.


Or Mack and matthews which is better
Quote:Cyprian again with those awesome angles.  He should be a geometry teacher
This place is fumny as hell today.
Quote:The Jags have a total of 4 yds and the Giants have 197.
I called it last night


And you guys still try to tell me Caldwell knows what he's doing. LOL
I think the D has officially given up.  did you see all those missed tackles on the TD run?

Hahaha this team is epically bad
Jennings is playing really hard today. I wonder why. Hmm.

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