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I agree.  I think someone at Disney picked up some script insurance.


He actually re-wrote Empire.


Quote:Best thing about the upcoming movie:


Lawrence Kasdan (the writer of Empire, in addition to other outstanding works) is attached.


Whoever was going to take over "Star Trek" was going to step on its particular history in some way in order to tell a story about young Kirk.  That said, "Into Darkness" was nowhere near "Wrath of Khan."  I get wanting to take on the challenge of redoing it and bringing back old Spock to help cheer up the Trekkies but wasn't there enough of a story for Movie #2 with the apparent coming war with the Klingons?  They sure built that super-ship super fast.  The metallurgy alone would have taken months. 



Quote:Personally, I think he did a terrible job with the Star Trek franchise.  Had it been by any other name and completely unrelated... then I suppose it was decent sci-fi.  His second was better than the first, but I would have embraced them both if they didn't come off as a middle finger to the source material.  Had they focused on being a more original tale rather than focused on rewriting the core (unnecessarily bastardizing many elements, in some respects) I think it would have been a lot better.  They certainly don't measure up to Wrath of Khan (which he shouldn't have even tried to undo, very questionable decision on his part.)  Abrams is grossly overrated, IMO.


That being said... I'm very encouraged by this trailer.  The rolling droid is quite bad, but nothing near as bad as Jar Jar.
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