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Full Version: Obama Lets the Traitor, Manning go Free
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Quote:We didn't even need this to know that he is the worst, most embarrassing fool to ever hold the office.

George Dubya is probably more embarrassing for his regular gaffes and terrible wars so don't even need to look far in the past.
Quote:Oh you sweet summer child. You must have missed the last eight years. Zero attempt to work together while actively trying to shut down the entire government. Republicans that complain about Dems skipping the inauguration are just a little touched.

At least you didn't try to deny that the right thinks of left as their enemy.

The Congress has the power of the purse, heaven forbid they actually use a little bit of their power to push back against a President who does everything by executive fiat. Obama was unwilling to work within the legislative process when he couldn't get his way so he did it all by executive orders. Lucky for us, most of that will be rescinded in the next 48 hours, most of his "legacy" will be erased in a day and tossed in the dustbin of history. A government shutdown is not the end to the world either. We used to have them all the time, it's fine. 
Quote:You may not have liked Barry, but there were more embarrassing fools elected president.

Embarrassing and dangerous and two different things.
Quote:Embarrassing and dangerous and two different things.

Obama was both.
...and Hillary will soon be pardoned.

Quote:...and Hillary will soon be pardoned.

For what, the MSM told us grandma did nothing criminal?
Was the information Manning released classified as Top Secret?
Why did Obama unconditionally release convicted and defiant terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera?

lol Go obama.  Anything that makes conservatives mad is good.

the Eleventh Doctor sounds like my 4 year old.

Quote:lol Go obama.  Anything that makes conservatives mad is good.
Even to the detriment to this country. Such a good little commie you are.
Quote:the Eleventh Doctor sounds like my 4 year old.
Most 4 year olds don't want to destroy the country that they live in.
Quote:the Eleventh Doctor sounds like my 4 year old.

I'm sounding like flsptsgod.
Quote:To be fair, the right has been convinced that liberals are their enemy. Not that they disagree with them but that they are actually their enemies. They have been played like fiddles to choose party over country.
Let's be honest the left is no different in this regard.

Quote:To be fair, the right has been convinced that liberals are their enemy. Not that they disagree with them but that they are actually their enemies. They have been played like fiddles to choose party over country.
Like the violent protests planned for tomorrow's inauguration?
Quote:Embarrassing and dangerous and two different things.

..just wait a little longer.
Dakota, I meant egging things on.  He just can't help himself sometimes.

Quote:Was the information Manning released classified as Top Secret?

Some of it yes.  A lot of it was classified Secret NOFORN (No Foreigners).
Quote:Some of it yes. A lot of it was classified Secret NOFORN (No Foreigners).

Mattis disclosed classified info to Pakistan. It's all good.
Quote:Mattis disclosed classified info to Pakistan. It's all good.

Except that he didn't.  Try again.
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