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Quote:I post an unbiased research study by a university and you post a partisan hit piece.


Right vs. Left in a nutshell.
So do you think she's realistically the best person for the job?
Quote:So do you think she's realistically the best person for the job?

Realistically the DoEd should be dismantled. Education in the US is worse than it was when the DoEd was created.


As far as the best person for the job, that's probably someone we have never heard of. It's a meaningless job, so you might as well have Bozo the Clown in charge. Maybe an outsider like DeVos can make things better. I doubt anyone can, but going with the same old same old hasn't worked.

Oh good grief. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, Federalists, .....................sheesh, we are all part of America, we all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs, we all have our faiths......................but you guys can't accept that our neighborhood is all of us.


If you don't think like me, you're a scumbag nose picker and should be exterminated. How disgusting when in my world, my God teaches acceptance, tolerance and understanding.


Regards...................the Chiefjag

Quote:Realistically the DoEd should be dismantled. Education in the US is worse than it was when the DoEd was created.


As far as the best person for the job, that's probably someone we have never heard of. It's a meaningless job, so you might as well have Bozo the Clown in charge. Maybe an outsider like DeVos can make things better. I doubt anyone can, but going with the same old same old hasn't worked.

Perhaps because we don't prioritize education and we have one particular group that is hell bent on purposely nuetering govt so it isnt effective.
Quote:Oh good grief. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, Federalists, .....................sheesh, we are all part of America, we all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs, we all have our faiths......................but you guys can't accept that our neighborhood is all of us.

If you don't think like me, you're a scumbag nose picker and should be exterminated. How disgusting when in my world, my God teaches acceptance, tolerance and understanding.

Regards...................the Chiefjag

Republicans were saying this when they thought Hillary was going to win. None of you made posts about that. Hypocrites.
Quote:Oh good grief. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, Federalists, .....................sheesh, we are all part of America, we all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs, we all have our faiths......................but you guys can't accept that our neighborhood is all of us.

If you don't think like me, you're a scumbag nose picker and should be exterminated. How disgusting when in my world, my God teaches acceptance, tolerance and understanding.

Regards...................the Chiefjag

Well said.
Quote:Frankly, both Conservatives and Liberals have totally lost touch.  It's become about winning, not what's best for the country.


Liberals are calling for Trump's impeachment before he even takes office.  We're creating safe zones for people who are upset at who is president for crying out loud.  It's politics; this is how it works.  Get over it.


On the flip side, Conservatives are starting to treat Trump like the Messiah.  "All he does is win" seems to be the sentiment, completely ignoring the fact that he's unqualified, hotheaded, arrogant, and brash.  He's immature, and his cabinet selections are awful.  DeVos particularly scares me.  I'm a teacher, and she is extremely anti-teacher.  She wants to push the voucher system, which means we're going to have overcrowded schools that continue to fail to meet the needs of students because there hasn't been any real education reform since we decided to base all children's and educators' academic worth on a single day of testing.  So yes, based on a SINGLE DAY, let's rate every school in the country and let parents have their pick.


We're just the blind leading the blind in this nation, and it's just a matter of time before it hits the fan.

A lot of truth here.

Talk is cheap. He says all sorts of stuff he back tracks on or never follows through on.

Oh MY gosh....  He had a meeting with a successful builder about a position on a commission to, wait for it, oversee building!  Let's file the articles of Impeachment! 


That's not how Washington works!  You need an Army of guys with degrees in public policy that have never run anything in their lives to oversee 787 billion dollars of stimulus money.  That will work out PERFECTLY! 


Quote:Perhaps because we don't prioritize education and we have one particular group that is hell bent on purposely nuetering govt so it isnt effective.

Education in the US has gone downhill since the DoEd was created. And since the DoEd budget has increased every year, there has been no "neutering." More government is not the answer. Even in the rare cases where a government program worked, it didn't work for long. Yet government programs never end. We're stuck with Gus the DoEd forever.

Quote:Oh good grief. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, Federalists, .....................sheesh, we are all part of America, we all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs, we all have our faiths......................but you guys can't accept that our neighborhood is all of us.


If you don't think like me, you're a scumbag nose picker and should be exterminated. How disgusting when in my world, my God teaches acceptance, tolerance and understanding.


Regards...................the Chiefjag
Blame the outgoing president for this mess. He has done more to divide this country on multiple levels than any other person in history.
Quote:Blame the outgoing president for this mess. He has done more to divide this country on multiple levels than any other person in history.
I highly doubt Trump is going to be the one to bring this country together.
Quote:I highly doubt Trump is going to be the one to bring this country together.
I highly doubt you know much of anything. However, in this case, I agree. The Communist liberals will never stop trying to change the US to the former Soviet Union.
And the fascist conservatives will never try to bring this country together anyway.

Quote:I highly doubt you know much of anything. However, in this case, I agree. The Communist liberals will never stop trying to change the US to the former Soviet Union.
You alright?


No reason to act like that since I never made anything directed towards you but glad to see you're so triggered by nothing.
Quote:And the fascist conservatives will never try to bring this country together anyway.

Not as long as the petulant children kick and scream in their fits in a pile along the sidewalks.


Grow up and join the adults to try to actually solve problems, rather than the blind pursuit of power and control.
Quote:Oh good grief. Conservatives, Liberals, Centrists, Federalists, .....................sheesh, we are all part of America, we all have our opinions, we all have our beliefs, we all have our faiths......................but you guys can't accept that our neighborhood is all of us.


If you don't think like me, you're a scumbag nose picker and should be exterminated. How disgusting when in my world, my God teaches acceptance, tolerance and understanding.


Regards...................the Chiefjag

This.  So much this.
If this isn't out of touch, I don't know what is.


DNC Chair Candidates Bash White People in Racially-Charged Forum
Want to guarantee political losses in 2018, 2020, and beyond? Listen to a racist white-guilt loony like this lady. She is going to shut down people just because of their race? Very tolerant.

If this isn't out of touch, I don't know what is.


<div>DNC Chair Candidates Bash White People in Racially-Charged Forum
Want to guarantee political losses in 2018, 2020, and beyond? Listen to a racist white-guilt loony like this lady. She is going to shut down people just because of their race? Very tolerant.

liberals are racist vermin. They have done more damage to race relations than any single party, including the KKK, since the inception of this country.
But I thought that republicans were supposed to be the racist ones!


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