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Full Version: Happy Martin Luther King "terrorist" day
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If Trump ran against MLK for President, Trump would win big league.
Quote:You mean nobody denied the law the story was talking about could potentially be interpreted to mean that MLK and other non violent protesters could be accused of being terrorists. Thats a far cry from anyone in this thread actually claiming that MLK was a terrorist.

What's the title of this thread again?
Quote:What's the title of this thread again?

Did you read the story JFC linked? You know, the reason for the thread?
Quote:If Trump ran against MLK for President, Trump would win big league.

He'd lose rather badly to Obama.
Quote:Did you read the story JFC linked? You know, the reason for the thread?

I enjoy National Holidays.

Quote:What kind of hobby stuff, Tinkering with computers and electronics!

Pretty much.  I have been designing/3D printing parts for a robot that I'm making with my grandson.  I worked on some of the code yesterday.
Quote:He'd lose rather badly to Obama.

The fact that you think that makes a Trump win even more likely. The more liberals doubt The Donald, the more he wins. Sad!
Quote:That's the premise of the thread. Nobody seemed to deny it. I thought it was a thing. Like when people started saying something was bad, but really meant good.

This is exactly why I posted it.
Quote:Y'all need to take it up with JFC then, cuz he's the only person to mention terrorist in this thread. No one said anything derogatory about the man at all, but it's very telling that you try to say they did.
Who needs to take what up with me?

MLK was considered a terrorist and a threat until he got shot in the neck and died.
Quote:Who needs to take what up with me?

MLK was considered a terrorist and a threat until he got shot in the neck and died.

You are the only person that mentioned "terrorist" on here, no one else in this thread called him that. The usual suspects were trying to say people on here were agreeing that he was a terrorist or saying derogatory things about him, and that just isn't true.

And just because he was considered a terrorist back then, doesn't mean anyone on here considers him one now. But I'm sure you're going to take issue with something...
Good ol Jfc. If he can't find a platform to express his racial animus he'll create one.
Quote:You are the only person that mentioned "terrorist" on here, no one else in this thread called him that. The usual suspects were trying to say people on here were agreeing that he was a terrorist or saying derogatory things about him, and that just isn't true.

And just because he was considered a terrorist back then, doesn't mean anyone on here considers him one now. But I'm sure you're going to take issue with something...

And to Kotite's point no one on here is denying King & his actions was considered terrorist much of which is being paralleled to BLM is false but the narrative is being painted such.
Quote:Good ol Jfc. If he can't find a platform to express his racial animus he'll create one.

Quote:And to Kotite's point no one on here is denying King & his actions was considered terrorist much of which is being paralleled to BLM is false but the narrative is being painted such.

Why would anyone deny that he was considered a terrorist? He was considered one. Are we supposed to pretend he wasn't considered one?

And are you going to deny that there are some elements in the BLM movement that use violence as a course of action? Kinda seems like the exact opposite of what MLK was preaching, don't you think?
Quote:Martin Luther King was one of these crazy peta wackos so of a sudden?

The left man I'm telling u.
Aren't most republicans?
Most confusing thread ever.
Quote:Why would anyone deny that he was considered a terrorist? He was considered one. Are we supposed to pretend he wasn't considered one?

And are you going to deny that there are some elements in the BLM movement that use violence as a course of action? Kinda seems like the exact opposite of what MLK was preaching, don't you think?

There are always bad seeds in a group.

My point was more along the lines of people intentionally ignoring the peaceful and civilized marches/protest BLM has conducted.
Quote:Most confusing thread ever.

Basically all black people who have protested in the past, or current..... peacefully I might add, are "terrorists" and are considered a "threat".
That's right, I said terrorist.


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