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Full Version: Khan's London interviews (also hits on FA and shipyards)
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khan is the best thing that could have happened to the Jaguars and the city! We now have the coolest owner and mascot in the NFL!   



This is another interview that Shad Khan has done this week for the international newspaper and he confirm his commitment to Jacksonville instead of relocating to London on a permanent basis.  

Jerry Jones keeps talking about how he would like to put a permanent team in London.   I think Shad Khan would like for the Jaguars to continue their one home game a year there.   So those two visions conflict, because if there is a permanent team based in London, we cannot play a home game there.  
Quote:Jerry Jones keeps talking about how he would like to put a permanent team in London.   I think Shad Khan would like for the Jaguars to continue their one home game a year there.   So those two visions conflict, because if there is a permanent team based in London, we cannot play a home game there.  
If he wants one over there offer up his own damn team to go, otherwise he needs to shut the hell up about it.
Quote:If he wants one over there offer up his own damn team to go, otherwise he needs to shut the hell up about it.
Amen Brother
I like the big picture approach Khan has.  He isn't looking for a one trick pony in JAX.  He could have pushed JUST for new scoreboards.  He could have pushed JUST for games in London to increase revenue.  What I see is an obvious plan, that includes the city and that makes me excited.  

I really love that Khan doesnt let all the outside noise get to him and he is sticking to what he wants to do and his vision of a better team and city.

Quote:I really love that Khan doesnt let all the outside noise get to him and he is sticking to what he wants to do and his vision of a better team and city.
Yeah, I have a feeling that if you look at billionaires across the board (especially self made ones), you will find a severe lack of knee jerk reaction genes. 
I totally " get " the London strategy. The Jags were on an unsustainable track, financially speaking. We, as a city, were at serious risk of losing the franchise. No matter what Khan said publicly, at the end of the day he's a businessman. He wouldn't have allowed the franchise to continue to exist at or near the bottom, compared to the other NFL franchises, especially when there are other options.....other " low - hanging fruit, so to speak. Los Angeles will have one if not two teams. That's an option. The London game provides about the same net revenue as two home games. So the Jags are receiving the revenue equivalent to nine home games a year. Believe me, that has caught the attention of the other 31 owners, especially the small market teams. That's why they're lining up for future games in London. There are also many other benefits for the city of Jacksonville, for business, tourism and recognition as a city on the rise.

Having said all that, I can't help but feel a tinge of fear of losing the team. Jaguar cars are manufactured in Great Britain. " Union Jags " is becoming a common takeoff on the Union Jack flag, Brits are becoming more attached to the team. It's like watching your best girl cozying up to that new guy, the good-looking one with lots of money.
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