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Full Version: Bortles hold the ball too long
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Quote:You are quite right, that is definitely an issue too. That's what I mean. We need plays like Peyton/Welker or Brady/#11. Bop bop bop - zing! Those are Superbowl bread and butter plays. Where are our play(s) like those?

On the long balls, we need to see if our receivers can make the play. Hurns can!

BB's deep throws have not looked great to me.
I think this will develop over the next few years. These guys are all rookies. Patience my friend. 
Quote:I think this will develop over the next few years. These guys are all rookies. Patience my friend.

I suppose I'm impatient because it seems out of order. Of course we need to lengthen the field with mid-length passes and such, where the QB will try to look over a couple receivers, but then there has to be the very quick throw (practiced ad-nauseum). Our play like that seems to be to the flat to the stationary receiver. I hate that play, and it is too vulnerable to the pick 6.
Quote:Yeah. It's an irony to me because a few weeks ago the word was BB's arm-strength was way up there, but I have noticed too much variability there. Sometimes there just isn't enough mustard on the throws.

I've made it clear, I love Bortles, and I am 100% behind him. He has a lot to learn. The long ball needs a ton of work too.

What I said has nothing to do with arm strength.  What I said was, he should not throw the ball when he is actually being sacked and has a guy propelling him backwards. 
Quote:I suppose I'm impatient because it seems out of order. Of course we need to lengthen the field with mid-length passes and such, where the QB will try to look over a couple receivers, but then there has to be the very quick throw (practiced ad-nauseum). Our play like that seems to be to the flat to the stationary receiver. I hate that play, and it is too vulnerable to the pick 6.
I'm with but like you said practiced ad nauseum. They need time to practice these throws with each other. They  have only been on the same team playing with each other for 5 months. Guys like Brady and Manning get years to practice with their guys. They are vets who know how to get players in off-seasons to practice and develop chemistry. Just give it time. You are watching it happen from the ground floor right now. Remember Blake wasn't even the starter in the first few games. 
Quote:I'm with but like you said practiced ad nauseum. They need time to practice these throws with each other. They have only been on the same team playing with each other for 5 months. Guys like Brady and Manning get years to practice with their guys. They are vets who know how to get players in off-seasons to practice and develop chemistry. Just give it time. You are watching it happen from the ground floor right now. Remember Blake wasn't even the starter in the first few games.
You're right. I am at times amazed, and other times disgusted.. it's the plight of of the team we have out there.

Like Jaguarmvp's post said, the poor kid has been put in an impossible situation. Or the comically eloquent GWB's, "This stuff is harrrd.."
Quote:There, I said it.

I know BB is a gifted escape artist, and that an important part of his appeal is the vaunted ability to extend the play. But having the above-all important 'internal clock' trumps these abilities. Every good QB must recognize they have to get rid of the ball in a timely fashion. Especially when the O-line is prone to letting players come free. Too often BB's feet are planted, and motionless, when the ball shoild be on its way somewhere.

I have been watching football long enough (far longer than he has been on the planet) that when I find myself yelling "THROW IT!!!", 5 times in a game there's an issue.

We need more timing type passing plays, where he 3 step drops then chucks it.

I didn't read thru the thread about our O being too complex, but I'd echo that sentiment to a degree.

For my money, I'd like to see them let BB run the 2-minute offense almost exclusively for awhile, or at least until we can get out in front of a game. It's a great skill of his, we should develop it.

Sorry about the missing 's' in the thread title..
The receivers arent getting open, and the OLine is collapasing before he even gets to his full drop on most occasions..
No.. He's holding the ball too long. He needs to develop his zip and zing like Brady and Manning... Can't you SEE that?

Quote:Wait. Blake holds on to the ball too long? Has anyone let the coaches and Blake know?

Is there a way the interweb gods can create an app that activates any time TrueFan says "THROW IT" that it forces Blake to throw the ball even if the receivers aren't anywhere close to open? As long as he's getting the ball out quickly, that's really all that matters, right?
I'm confused.

I thought our OC sucked, then I saw a frozen play with guys open and a QB staring right at them.

I thought we wanted Bortles to throw the ball downfield every play, but now he holds the ball too long. That's amazing cause I thought we had a dink and dunk offense keeping the reigns tight on Bortles, even though coaches have said otherwise.

Fire the OC cause we know his plays are designed to fail if executed, even though they've managed to find a run game before everyone was fired.

If they kept analytical data on this board, the topics would almost exactly repeat themselves every three years.
He makes poor decisions.. he's also a rookie. Maybe Its related
Quote:If they kept analytical data on this board, the topics would almost exactly repeat themselves every three years.

With the same exact arguments, too.


Like a Mad Lib, all you have to do is insert the new names.
Quote:Wait.  Blake holds on to the ball too long?  Has anyone let the coaches and Blake know?


Is there a way the interweb gods can create an app that activates any time TrueFan says "THROW IT" that it forces Blake to throw the ball even if the receivers aren't anywhere close to open?  As long as he's getting the ball out quickly, that's really all that matters, right?




You must be old if you didn't know that.
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