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Quote:Have we really gotten to the point in this country where we don't even want to associate with people with differing political views?  

Yes.  We have.  Both sides completely demonize each other, and anyone who doesn't agree with them on the issue is 'brain-dead'.  Just see some of the comments on this board for proof.
Man, republicans will fall for anything if it fits their narrow mindset. It's truly embarrassing. You folks are so cringeworthy sometimes.

Also, none of us would be allowed in. So yea
Quote:Have we really gotten to the point in this country where we don't even want to associate with people with differing political views?  
Americans have no problem with people with differing political views.


Liberals don't fall into that category. They are vermin who should be exterminated before they ruin this planet. 
Well then they aren't liberals...
Quote:Americans have no problem with people with differing political views.


Liberals don't fall into that category. They are vermin who should be exterminated before they ruin this planet. 

Pretty much.  The only "tolerant" ones are those that will listen to and actually hold a discussion with people only with views that match their own.  Any other point of view is shut down.
Quote:Pretty much.  The only "tolerant" ones are those that will listen to and actually hold a discussion with people only with views that match their own.  Any other point of view is shut down.

Stay classy you Hitler Juniors.
Quote:Stay classy you Hitler Juniors.
Interesting you label conservatives as "Hitler juniors" when the relations between the US and Israel have been in the abyss for the past 8 years.


liberals have been the closest thing to Hitler since the man himself.  Try reading a history book sometime.
Quote:Interesting you label conservatives as "Hitler juniors" when the relations between the US and Israel have been in the abyss for the past 8 years.



I'm not labeling conservatives as "Hitler Juniors".  I'm labeling YOU and JIB as Hitler Juniors.  After all you're the ones calling for the extermination of human beings.  Fits right up there in the Hitler Clubhouse.  Or maybe I should say ISIS wheelhouse.
[Image: 4cZzJ.png]
Yeah, cause wanting to exterminate people... for having different political beliefs... doesn't sound like Hitler at all and doesn't warrant that comparison at all.  


But hey, go on defending your Nazi buddies.

Quote:Interesting you label conservatives as "Hitler juniors" when the relations between the US and Israel have been in the abyss for the past 8 years.


liberals have been the closest thing to Hitler since the man himself.  Try reading a history book sometime.

It's O.K.  TED is a typical "tolerant" liberal.  He/she wants to remove the 10 commandments from courthouse property, even though the foundation of our courts is based on that.  You know.. because he/she is "tolerant" of other people and their ideals/values/morals... except when it differs from his/her's.
Quote:I'm not labeling conservatives as "Hitler Juniors".  I'm labeling YOU and JIB as Hitler Juniors.  After all you're the ones calling for the extermination of human beings.  Fits right up there in the Hitler Clubhouse.  Or maybe I should say ISIS wheelhouse.

What "extermination" are you talking about?
Quote:Yeah, cause wanting to exterminate people... for having different political beliefs... doesn't sound like Hitler at all and doesn't warrant that comparison at all.  


But hey, go on defending your Nazi buddies.

Why Hitler? Why not Stalin, Mao, or Castro?
Quote:What "extermination" are you talking about?

I know you sometimes have reading comprehension problems... but you know, the comment you quoted.


Quote:Liberals don't fall into that category. They are vermin who should be exterminated before they ruin this planet. 




Quote:It's O.K.  TED is a typical "tolerant" liberal.  He/she wants to remove the 10 commandments from courthouse property, even though the foundation of our courts is based on that.  You know.. because he/she is "tolerant" of other people and their ideals/values/morals... except when it differs from his/her's.

I want the 10 commandments removed from the courthouses because I believe in Separation of Church and State.  The foundation of our courts aren't founded on the 10 commandments at all.  Afterall we have freedom of religion, but i get that some things are difficult for you to understand.
Quote:Well then they aren't liberals...

Leftists aren't Liberals, it's a shame we've permitted them to corrupt the word the way they have. 
Quote:Leftists aren't Liberals, it's a shame we've permitted them to corrupt the word the way they have.

They are Communists. Most of them admittedly.
Quote:It's O.K.  TED is a typical "tolerant" liberal.  He/she wants to remove the 10 commandments from courthouse property, even though the foundation of our courts is based on that.  You know.. because he/she is "tolerant" of other people and their ideals/values/morals... except when it differs from his/her's.


Quote:It's O.K. TED is a typical "tolerant" liberal. He/she wants to remove the 10 commandments from courthouse property, even though the foundation of our courts is based on that. You know.. because he/she is "tolerant" of other people and their ideals/values/morals... except when it differs from his/her's.

It's pretty rich of people to criticize liberals for their tolerance when their fellow Republicans call for extermination of liberals as vermin on this very board. One can only assume you feel the same way. Do you? If not one would think you'd attempt to be consistent in calling them out. Or would that make you a little to self aware about things?
Quote:Pretty much. The only "tolerant" ones are those that will listen to and actually hold a discussion with people only with views that match their own. Any other point of view is shut down.

Ah i see you do feel the same way.
Quote:It's pretty rich of people to criticize liberals for their tolerance when their fellow Republicans call for extermination of liberals as vermin on this very board. One can only assume you feel the same way. Do you? If not one would think you'd attempt to be consistent in calling them out. Or would that make you a little to self aware about things?

I feel that the leftist political position should be exterminated in much the same way that National Socialism has been rendered taboo. I don't approve of putting people against the wall for their beliefs.
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