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The great QB draft of 1983.


1985 Stats

Ken O'Brien - 3,888 yards / 25 TDs / 8 Ints / 96.2 passer rating

Dan Marino - 4,137 yards / 30 TDs / 21 Ints / 84.1 passer rating


I know a lot of people like Ken O'Brien better than Marino but I'd still take Marino over O'Brien .... that's just me.


I like what Bortles is doing  -- right now, I wouldn't trade him for either Bridgewater or Carr.

Derek Carr is averaging 5.9 YPA.  We've seen that dink and dunk game here for way too many years.  Eventually, the defenses catch up .... knowing you don't go downfield.

Bortles scares the crap out of me with some of his decisions, but this is what I wanted. I'd rather him take his painful lumps this year instead of next. He needs this offseason to fine tune his decision making, and his footwork. I don't care if he throws pretty spirals or wobblers, as long as they are accurate. He has the arm strength, but I think his inconsistent footwork effects his accuracy. That long TD to Hurns wasn't bad considering it was thrown on the run, but he needs to work on his footwork in the pocket. The WRs need to make a play on the ball, and that's exactly what Hurns did. It was good to see.

I still have faith he's our franchise guy, and of all the qbs selected in the first two rounds, Bortles is the rawest. A rookie surrounded by rookies and 2nd year players. And teams are obviously aware of Bortles potential, as they aren't loading the box anymore.
Quote:Bortles seems to throw a lot of ducks out there, hopefully it will tighten up after an offseason of footwork training.

While I'd prefer to see him throw pretty spirals every time, Peyton Manning has made a HOF career out of throwing ducks. I don't think this is something that is overly worrisome.
Quote:The great QB draft of 1983.


1985 Stats

Ken O'Brien - 3,888 yards / 25 TDs / 8 Ints / 96.2 passer rating

Dan Marino - 4,137 yards / 30 TDs / 21 Ints / 84.1 passer rating


I know a lot of people like Ken O'Brien better than Marino but I'd still take Marino over O'Brien .... that's just me.


I like what Bortles is doing  -- right now, I wouldn't trade him for either Bridgewater or Carr.

I agree. 


I dont' care about Bortles high INT number. Just gotta also elevate the TD number. Thats the one difference when making the comparisons of Manning's rookie year and Marino's rookie year in terms of citing Bortles' rookie year and high INT total to theirs. 


Quote:Derek Carr is averaging 5.9 YPA.  We've seen that dink and dunk game here for way too many years.  Eventually, the defenses catch up .... knowing you don't go downfield.

True. We've seen evidence of the defenses catching up with the above even in short sample sizes from this year when we stray from going down field. They just bunch the defenses up and sit on the routes read to jump them. 
I think we all had hoped he'd be leading the team to victories. Certainly, more victories than we currently have and certainly more than what we'll probably end up with. But, the reality of it all is that he doing rookie things and making rookie decisions. However, he is doing some things that cannot be blamed on him just being a rookie. First off, he has a huge problem of telegraphing alot of his passes. That is NOT a rookie mistake. That is a really bad habit and trait the he needs to make a conscious decision to correct. Secodly, as a direct result of him telegraphing, he is forcing his passes into the receiver that vhas no business having the pass thrown to him. He's stupidly throwing into a crowd and those odds are not good it will get completed. Kind of reminds me of Brett Favre towards the end of his career because Bret too was forcing passes into coverages that surely he was going to get burned. Bortles has that gunslinger mentality just like Favre but he needs to temper that with making wise decisions. Let's hope that kind of wisdom comes with seasoning. We all hope he turns out as we all think he will but he has got to quit making obvious stupid mistakes.

Quote:Derek Carr is averaging 5.9 YPA.  We've seen that dink and dunk game here for way too many years.  Eventually, the defenses catch up .... knowing you don't go downfield.

The biggest knock on Carr coming out of Fresno St was his poise (lack thereof in the pocket), he's the polar opposite of Blake when it comes to that. I saw it in the USC game, if you can pressure Carr he panics, if he has a clean pocket he'll pick you apart, that's the kind of up and down career I see him having.


The INT's and dumb decisions don't matter because Peyton Manning did them too. I know that countless other QB's have done the same and have amounted to nothing in the NFL, but im just gonna ignore those and focus on this one outlier. The best thing to do is find an exception to the rule and proclaim it as the norm. We got us a future Peyton Manning on the team!  
Their stats really arent that different....we have trouble in the red zone, and if you cleared them up, they would be much much closer.


Bortles is a gamer, and anyone outside of the Jags fans know it.  We are jaded by a bad season....to act like we should give up on him now is a joke.

I sometimes wonder if people understand the difference between talent and experience. You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don't have the experience to execute properly you will lose. The Jaguars have talent all across the board, but the only group that has experience and talent is the defensive line which (ironically) is playing very well.

We have talent people but we lack experience as a whole. That comes with time! So quit pushing the panic button, take a deep breath, and be patient!

Go jags!
Quote:Why do people lie? Derek Carr right now is very quietly whooping Bortles butt. This is our fan base. We lie about stuff to feel better about our selves.
He threw three picks yesterday as well, but don't let that get in the way of your irrational hatred
Quote:He threw three picks yesterday as well, but don't let that get in the way of your irrational hatred

I want to see Jag QB's throw TD's. For that I'm a hater I guess. 
Quote:Why do people lie? Derek Carr right now is very quietly whooping Bortles butt. This is our fan base. We lie about stuff to feel better about our selves. 
 Meanwhile, the storyline from the San Jose Mercury is: 

"Raiders' Derek Carr deserves blame for loss to Seattle Seahawks"
Very quietly, other rookie QB's are coming under fire as well...
Quote: Meanwhile, the storyline from the San Jose Mercury is: 

"Raiders' Derek Carr deserves blame for loss to Seattle Seahawks"
Very quietly, other rookie QB's are coming under fire as well...

Imagine that, rookie QB's struggling.
Quote:The INT's and dumb decisions don't matter because Peyton Manning did them too. I know that countless other QB's have done the same and have amounted to nothing in the NFL, but im just gonna ignore those and focus on this one outlier. The best thing to do is find an exception to the rule and proclaim it as the norm. We got us a future Peyton Manning on the team!

I'm looking forward to seeing BB in Nationwide Insurance and Papa Johns pizza commericals in the future
Extrapolating the last 6 games  -  Bortles is on pace for:


3756 yards - 16 TD  - 29 INT -  and a 63.9% completion rate   


The TD/INT ratio sucks, but I'll take it from a raw prospect who wasn't supposed to start right away.  I'm not worried about Bortles and will be happy for Carr and/or Bridgewater if they turn out fine, but I still think Blake has way more upside.  


These numbers will be fun to compare next year.  They don't mean very much right now, IMO. 
Box score warriors in full effect here.

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