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Full Version: If not Gus, then who ?
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Quote:You stretch the field and bench Shorts.

agreed, except you just dump Shorts... 
Hue Jackson?.... Interesting one. I kind of like it.... But Bradley is this here lol
Quote:I'd actually like to see this defense with a real FS, a little more seasoning in the secondary/LB corps, and a more progressive thinking DC under Bradley.  I think it could be a devastating defense. 


I seriously doubt Gus is going anywhere. 


FS, maybe...


The CB's were only beat by lucky throws that were right on target.  And most came after questionable calls that should have shutdown the drive in the first place.


Babich is pushing all the right buttons in terms of Defense and the scheme to play with the talent we have.


The D is legit.


The offense on the other hand has been stuck in the mud in neutral gear for the entire season.  That is the area that needs focus.



Oh, and special teams is going in reverse...


If Bradley can't figure this out, he's not long for being a HC.  
Quote:I'd probably go for an offensive head coach, and maybe look at someone like Joe Lombardi, Josh McDaniels or Hue Jackson.


Man, where have I heard that before? Where oh where???



Quote:Hue Jackson

Josh McDaniels

Joe Lombardi

Oh yeah, that's where!
Quote:FS, maybe… Evans is not good and this scheme demands a stud at FS. No maybe about it IMO. 


The CB's were only beat by lucky throws that were right on target.  By "seasoning" I meant seeing essentially the same young guys with another year of experience under their belt. 


Babich is pushing all the right buttons in terms of Defense and the scheme to play with the talent we have.  Babich had them in too much soft zone early in the season with the corners playing off very often.  It looks different in the past few weeks. The commentator today mentioned that Bradley had divulged that he began taking a more hands on approach with the defensive play calling and pressure schemes a few weeks ago.  I wouldn't call that "pressing the right buttons"  by Babich. 


The D is legit. It is legit. I'm suggesting it could be elite next year with the changes I envision. 


The offense on the other hand has been stuck in the mud in neutral gear for the entire season.  That is the area that needs focus. It needs focus. It also needs to mature. 6 rookies starting is really unusual. 



Oh, and special teams is going in reverse… Easy fix IMO.  Simple scheme tweaking. 

If the special teams fix is so easy...why hasn't it been fixed?  How long can it take to implement a simple tweak to the scheme?
Quote:If the special teams fix is so easy...why hasn't it been fixed?  How long can it take to implement a simple tweak to the scheme?

I'm referring to the punt protection.  Lining up players like Telvin Smith outside the tackles in an attempt to have more coverage speed on the field can be altered by putting someone who will immediately protect better - but won't run and cover as effectively. 


That was the issue today IMO.  At least on the second block.  I think it was something similar on the first one too, but I'll check NFL rewind later. 

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The_Anchorman" data-cid="353289" data-time="1414974746">
FS, maybe… Evans is not good and this scheme demands a stud at FS. No maybe about it IMO. 


The CB's were only beat by lucky throws that were right on target.  By "seasoning" I meant seeing essentially the same young guys with another year of experience under their belt. 


Babich is pushing all the right buttons in terms of Defense and the scheme to play with the talent we have.  Babich had them in too much soft zone early in the season with the corners playing off very often.  It looks different in the past few weeks. The commentator today mentioned that Bradley had divulged that he began taking a more hands on approach with the defensive play calling and pressure schemes a few weeks ago.  I wouldn't call that "pressing the right buttons"  by Babich. 


The D is legit. It is legit. I'm suggesting it could be elite next year with the changes I envision. 


The offense on the other hand has been stuck in the mud in neutral gear for the entire season.  That is the area that needs focus. It needs focus. It also needs to mature. 6 rookies starting is really unusual. 



Oh, and special teams is going in reverse… Easy fix IMO.  Simple scheme tweaking. 



Well, yeah...  The D is obviously gonna be the beast of the AFC.


As for the excuse of "rookies on offense", I'm over that.  I can't let that excuse exist anymore.  We're in week 9 now.  If they can't figure it out, then get them out.


Our D has youth as well, but they are making leaps and bounds while the offense is the same it's been since week 1.  I can understand giving the offense a pass because of inexperience if/when they make mistakes here and there.  But this isn't that.  The offense is inept.  It's not the rookies that are the issue.  It's the scheme and the play calling, along with the QB which the OC has no confidence in.



The offense is a dumpster fire and having rookies is not the issue at all.


Also, I'm sure ST's is an easy fix, if you have a good coaching staff.  But the issues on STs should have been addressed already, and yet here we are, watching them pee the bed for yet another week.


At some point, accountability must be recognized at the coaching level.  Cutting players is one thing.  Now it's time to cull management.
Quote:Well, yeah...  The D is obviously gonna be the beast of the AFC.


As for the excuse of "rookies on offense", I'm over that.  I can't let that excuse exist anymore.  We're in week 9 now.  If they can't figure it out, then get them out.


Our D has youth as well, but they are making leaps and bounds while the offense is the same it's been since week 1.  I can understand giving the offense a pass because of inexperience if/when they make mistakes here and there.  But this isn't that.  The offense is inept.  It's not the rookies that are the issue.  It's the scheme and the play calling, along with the QB which the OC has no confidence in.



The offense is a dumpster fire and having rookies is not the issue at all.


Also, I'm sure ST's is an easy fix, if you have a good coaching staff.  But the issues on STs should have been addressed already, and yet here we are, watching them pee the bed for yet another week.


At some point, accountability must be recognized at the coaching level.  Cutting players is one thing.  Now it's time to cull management.
OK. I am definitely willing to be more patient than 9 games with the rookies starting on offense, so we'll agree to disagree there. I still think that "excuse" is valid. No biggie. You're obviously not the only one to disagree. 


I didn't love some of Fisch's play calling in the first half today, but I don't feel certain about  judging his overall performance with a QB that throws so many passes to the wrong team.  I tend to think this offense looks a lot better as the rookies mature, the line continues to stabilize and most importantly the QB starts to make better decisions with the football. 

I intend to dig into the all22 footage this Wednesday and find some examples of plays that Bortles missed today. (Open receivers he didn't look to when able to do so) 


The coaching hasn't been good at times, and I would not be shocked by a small shake-up at coordinator or a position coach or two. We'll see.  They've got a few weeks to fix it. 


When you say "cull management" - what do you mean exactly? 

Bradley isn't going anywhere. This rebuild was sold to Kahn as a multi-year process, and he signed off to do exactly that.


That means the bedwetters will keep wetting their beds for a while longer.

Remember when people wanted Koetter out? Hmmm... QBs make all the difference and once Blake gets out of that Bye week.... Watch out.
I'm okay with Bradley sticking around but the guy desperately needs to make a few major coaching staff changes, in my opinion, or he won't make it here. This is all my opinion.

At what point is it okay to question coaching? When were 1-15 or 2-16 and staring at yet another top 3 pick? When do we start to get to see consistent development of the talent Caldwell has selected and brought in? We see it in small glimpses and it's hit and miss but there has been small development with certain players.

I don't believe the talent on this team is 1-8 bad through 25 games of Bradley and crew coaching. Coaching is a problem here. I can't say it enough, changes should be made. I'm curious to see if Bradley does this offseason (Babich and Fisch were two poor hires and I've made my opinion known there.) or if we stick with Babich and/or Fisch.
Quote:I'm assuming the thread is created to attack the HC...

It wasn't an attack, I was just posing the question because (unfortunately) Gus must be under pressure if the winning record doesn't improve in the next seven games.

I wanted to hear who the alternatives were from those who want Gus fired now.

And I've not seen many realistic alternatives.

Personally, I think you have to give him more time. It would be crazy to start what you know will be a lengthy rebuilding process, bring in a load of inexperienced rookies and then sack the head coach just as the team starts to signs of becoming competitive.

Of course there are too many mistakes, but the important thing is that the team has improved to a position in which they can give most oppositions a game. That was, realistically, what we were expecting wasn't it ?


Quote:Man, where have I heard that before? Where oh where???

Oh yeah, that's where!

To be fair they are three guys that could fit what we need if a change is made. McDaniels is a name that always comes up (though one could argue his value is tied to Tom Brady), Lombardi is doing well in Detroit and I think that style of offense could help Bortles, and Jackson is a decent guy for going that extra mile to develop young talent. Other OCs that might be worth a look are Pep Hamilton and Bill Lazor if their offenses continue to trend upwards.
Quote:OK. I am definitely willing to be more patient than 9 games with the rookies starting on offense, so we'll agree to disagree there. I still think that "excuse" is valid. No biggie. You're obviously not the only one to disagree. 


I didn't love some of Fisch's play calling in the first half today, but I don't feel certain about  judging his overall performance with a QB that throws so many passes to the wrong team.  I tend to think this offense looks a lot better as the rookies mature, the line continues to stabilize and most importantly the QB starts to make better decisions with the football. 

I intend to dig into the all22 footage this Wednesday and find some examples of plays that Bortles missed today. (Open receivers he didn't look to when able to do so) 


The coaching hasn't been good at times, and I would not be shocked by a small shake-up at coordinator or a position coach or two. We'll see.  They've got a few weeks to fix it. 


When you say "cull management" - what do you mean exactly? 

Good post.  I should clarify what I mean regarding the rookies...  Most of them are progressing very well.  I think it's clear that the issues for most of our first year players we saw at the start of the season have been addressed and fixed for the most part.  Because of this, I think that saying we have a bunch of rookies starting is kind of a crutch/excuse.  The only rookie left that really needs to make a big leap is BB5.  


Am I being a bit impatient?  Probably, but from what I saw yesterday, we were in that game!  We could have won!  But we didn't, so we'll move on.


As for "culling" management, I'm mainly speaking of our OC.  I thought he called a pretty darn good game last week against the Dolphins.  I think he laid off the gas a bit in the first half of the Cincy game....  That's all.  I'm still not sold on him.  But that's not to say he can't figure it out in the final few games.  


Yesterday was a "High/Low" type game.  There were so many positives and yet there were alot of frustrations during the game, particularly on offense.  
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