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Full Version: Rand Paul only Republican to vote "No" to repeal Obamacare
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Quote:A repeal doesn't fix anything.
Getting the federal government out of the middle of anything is an improvement.


This country  was founded and achieved greatness through a free market economy and limited government.


Is it any coincidence that things have gotten worse for this country every time the federal government has gotten involved? It is a straight correlation. It is indisputable.
Quote:Can't afford the deductible > can't get the treatment you need because the doctor or hospital won't see you without coverage and you die.

Except that was never the case here. Hospitals didn't turn away patients that couldn't pay.
Quote:I appreciate the notion of fiscal responsibility that Rand Paul is exhibiting. However, he does not make mention to what the cost of leaving a broken program in place is.

Yes, it sucks that it will cost the taxpayer mightily to do this. It will cost them much more if they do not IMHO.

He's not advocating leaving it he's saying the spending drunk republicans are signing up for is just as bad.
Quote:He's not advocating leaving it he's saying the spending drunk republicans
are signing up for is just as bad.
Drunk Republicans?  Really?




PS: Google Ted Kennedy

Quote:Drunk Republicans? Really?


PS: Google Ted Kennedy

Figuratively speaking brother they spend like drunken sailors so I conclude they must be drunk republicans!
Quote:Figuratively speaking brother they spend like drunken sailors so I conclude they must be drunk republicans!

It's unfair to the drunken sailors to make that comparison.

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