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Quote:How did Luke Joeckel get hurt? CBS did not show any replays, just announced he is concussed.

More importantly, on what part of the body did he suffer his concussion? My friend Randy said it was an elbow concussion.
Quote:CBS didn't discuss or show a replay of the Shoelace facemask on the 40 yard run that was picked up.


They didn't show the pass to the right flat that should've been intentional grounding on Tanny


They didn't show a replay of Luke get his bell rung.


Any others I missed on the #becausejaguars telecast?

CBS did show a replay of that face mask.
Quote:CBS did show a replay of that face mask.
They didn't talk about it though
Quote:More importantly, on what part of the body did he suffer his concussion? My friend Randy said it was an elbow concussion.

Very close call. Could of been an arm concussion and that could be career ending
Quote:Very close call. Could of been an arm concussion and that could be career ending

I heard that it's definitely not a stinger concussion, so Luke's stinger should be fine!
Quote:CBS did show a replay of that face mask.

I've watched it 3 times and still haven't seen them show it or discuss it. Maybe I blacked out because of the idiocy of that decision?
Quote:I've watched it 3 times and still haven't seen them show it or discuss it. Maybe I blacked out because of the idiocy of that decision?

Impossible. If you watched it you saw it. Now just answer my question if you know how Joeckel got hurt.
Quote:Come on guys, you know I am being dead serious and demand 100% honest answers, no joking allowed. If I wanted jokes I would post in the Sideline.
Got our but whipped by our own Offensive offense

You want to be treated seriously when you ask about the pigeons?

They were turf pigeons. They eat jaguars crap. So it attracted them since it was plentiful.

The ones near the bar were stool pigeons
Quote:They didn't talk about it though

Yes they did.
Quote:Impossible. If you watched it you saw it. Now just answer my question if you know how Joeckel got hurt.

So you call me a liar and then demand that I answer a question I already answered?


[Image: Guiness-Brilliant.jpg]
Quote:Got our but whipped by our own D.

You want to be treated seriously when you ask about the pigeons?

They were turf pigeons. They eat zaguar crap.

The ones near the bar were stool pigeons.

You can think that is a stupid question if you want, but that does not mean you should act stupid back.
Quote:Yes they did.
Well I must've Yawned for a few minutes because I know a replay was shown, but no talk of opinions on if a facemask should've been called or not. They spoke of the run.....but if you saw otherwise, I'm glad for you
Thank goodness respiration is an involuntary process. Otherwise there would be great concern about JW.
Quote:Thank goodness respiration is an involuntary process. Otherwise there would be great concern about JW.



Now, about that concussion . . . How did it happen? Did his head hit the ground? Was there an illegal hit the officials did not catch? I was surprised to hear about it.


Now, about that concussion . . . How did it happen? Did his head hit the ground? Was there an illegal hit the officials did not catch? I was surprised to hear about it.

Who knows but Wells played as well as Joeckel.  Wells whiffed about as much as Joeckel does.  Joeckel wasn't really missed.
Quote:Come on guys, you know I am being dead serious and demand 100% honest answers, no joking allowed. If I wanted jokes I would post in the Sideline.

 But jokes are all we have right now.


Plus, you know darn well that there are a whole lot of jokers in here, what did you really expect?
Thanks for this thread, JW, it took a bit of the sting out of the loss.


Personally, I prefer seeing a pigeon over some big sweaty guy pour a cup of water into his mouth, then spit it out. It makes no sense.

Two Dolphins offensive linemen went down and we had no explanation. Let's just chalk it up to one of the poorest media coverages of a game I have ever seen. It is what it is. 

Quote:Probably because Pasztor was hugging Wake like he hadn't seen him in years.

Yeah, that was pretty bad.

The real kicker though is that when they were doing it to our pass rush, it's not a penalty any more.
Quote:Impossible. If you watched it you saw it. Now just answer my question if you know how Joeckel got hurt.
The pigeon shoelace tackled him and his head hit the turf.
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