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Quote:LOL, 3 rookies on the O-line, 3 rookie WR's, and people are still going to expect this team to win.  


Time for a reality checks folks, at best we're a 4-12 team again.   Give this offense another year to develop and they'll be much better next year. 

At 1 time I would have been disappointed in a 4-12 season.


Right now, while I wouldn't be HAPPY with a 4-12 season, a 3-5 finish would be better then I would think is possible right now.

But but but....he's a gun slinnngerrr.

If the coaches put him in due to fan demand, they were wrong. They said he wasn't ready, but put him in anyway. These clowns don't even follow their own advice.

Yep, he lost this one and owes the D an apology.

Rookie schmookie... Waaaay too many picks so far, and as for pick sixes? Fuhgetabouit.
Quote:He truelly has to stop throwing the balls into coverages that he shouldn't.


It's clear to me that BB5 hasn't figured out the type of coverage schemes that the NFL throws at a QB.


But that doesn't mean he can't figure it out.  


Honestly, it's really about BB5 now.  


Is BB5 ready to study hard and learn what it means to be an NFL QB?  We all know he has the talent to be elite.  But at the end of the day, it comes to fruition.



You either work hard to figure it out, or you don't.


I think BB5 has the passion to be the next Tom Brady.  We just have to give him time to get there. 


He's already better than Tennehill.  He's better than Hoyer.  He's better than Ben party boy.  It's just a matter of him staying confident and figuring it out.  


But if he get's lazy, we'll know.


We are not yet there.  We are not yet at the point where you can't figure out if BB5 will make it or not.  At this moment, it's all about progression.  We have 3 more months to  watch his progress

Personally, I'm glad he's got the confidence that he honestly believes he can make the circus throws.


I'd rather he have to work on his decision making, than something that isn't so easy to fix (confidence.)


After all, it's impossible to make big plays if you aren't even going to attempt them.
C'mon fans. Shad gave us a great fan experience. He even suggested to Buffalo to follow his lead.

I need to get his definition of great fan experience next time. Clearly I took it a whole different way.

Just soooo friggin fed up.

Nothing positive to say, so I'll shut up. Sorry for the rants. If I really express myself I'll join the dip wad TMD in the time out box.
God what a boring, horrible game today.  Happy to see Robinson run the ball but come on Blake!  At least slide when you decide to run.

Quote:God what a boring, horrible game today.

The defense was fun to watch, but yeah the offense was putting me to sleep, as well as literally raising my blood pressure to unhealthy levels. I went and checked my blood pressure at the end of the third and it was like 160/130...decided to take a break for the fourth and close my eyes. I was hoping to check back and see a comeback. No such luck.
Quote:Some of you guys are just weird about Bortles
 I'm sure it's not just about Bortles.
Not fair to make lasting decisions about a QB based on his first few games. I remember Leftwich as a rookie throwing three picks and fumbling three times against the Ravens and then having a 3 TD/0 INT/300 yd game against the Colts the next year that was near perfect. Garrard supposedly "couldn't throw" his first year and then went a whole season with only 3 INTS a few years later. I have no problem with calling BB out for some really amateur throws, but is it even remotely possible that we're trying to rubber stamp Bortles as a permanent failure just a wee bit early in the process?

Quote:Jagswilldestroyyou is the cowardest of the cowardest of all jag fans.

He isn't the only one.
I'm actually happy with the way he's played so far. Wish it was a little better, but pretty good as a rookie. Next year @ this time he will be even better.

Rather him make these mistakes now than next year or after that
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