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etc. Went too soon. But I am thankful for the experience and look forward to reconnecting. Keep us posted, go Jags.
Quote:This does not surprise me and I am surprised nobody saw action like this coming in advance. Violation of forum rules occured regularly even by forum moderator's. Rediculous arguments that also included moderator's was common. Attempts to control the chaos was not possible. This is what happens when there isn't a real solution. My guess will be a return of a product the team has more control of but not immediately. This doesn't mean only things that are all positive Jaguars just more professional with less hate filled putrid posts. HERE COME THE HATE.


Actually, us mods have known for several years now that it could come to this. A few years back there appeared to be a significant threat of it going away, but nothing came of it. The thing is, this actual elimination of the board came about abruptly. The possibility has merely been in the back of our minds for a while.

Sooo guys, where are we going?

This is seriously such a stupid decision. This forum was a place I could come and find crazy jaguars fans that share my passion - even during times when almost nobody in the "real world" cared enough to discuss the jags with me. It was a place many of us could come to keep our interest.

That is what you're taking away from people here.
sad indeed

This is worse than Lags showing all that Colts stuff on Filmroom Friday.

Quote:Ironically he finally figured it out, but its still going down.
Thats messed up, yo. So I guess I can sign in my main jumpoff now. Great.
This is great... Just great.

Everybody go over to the sideline topics. Is starting a MB really that hard.

You'll find what your looking for.
From what I understand, it's not going to get shut down, only moved and not be part of Jaguars.com anymore.  It looks like the front office is working with somebody to migrate it somewhere else.

No guarantees on that tho.
Quote:I've been posting, arguing, and debating with you clowns since 2003. It's time for me to come clean.


I'm Fred Taylor.


This may be hard to digest, but, y'know, in due time you'll adjust and live a normal life


Your apologies for arguing with me are accepted, however, I liked being a Patriot more than a Jaguar Ninja
That's some good stuff right there.


I'll have what he's drinking!
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