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Full Version: Coughlin time back in effect
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Eh, for those too old to know when its going to hit the fan....


The problem is Khan. 


I honestly got nothing against Marrone, heck he might be a good coach.... but how can you justify the process?


How can it go unnoticed?


Khan goes on record and says he wouldnt fire a coach midseason, but he does it. Lets Marrone handle a 2 week process. Now lets just use our minds for a minute people. IF Khan TRULY thought Marrone was the guy, would he only give him 2 weeks? Nope, it was more of a public move. The fans wanted Bradley canned, he did it. Then wow, Marrone goes 1-1!!!!!! Bortles goes CRAZY against two MEDIOCRE TEAMS!!!! Ownership is absolutely impressed with Marrone. He gets hired. 


Question: Had Gus been given full season, would Marrone be coach today?


Honest question. IF the ownership had thought he had what it takes dont you think he would have been given more time? Nope they had no idea. Khan has no clue. Marrone MAY be the right man, but the process is complete crap. I fully believe had Marrone not been given 2 weeks he would not be coach today. 


Marrone goes 1-1...Ownership impressed... Marrone hired. Unreal. 


Franchise is doomed with KHAN!



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I bet Fowler won't be jumping over the line to block a FG and cost us a game.

He will know the rules through and through.
I was going to games back in the TC days and was at the one where he was booed....everybody clamoring for his being fired.

People thought he was done.....then he goes to New York and becomes a "giant" of a coach.


Welcome back Tom....I won't worry about the what if's. I know now the Jaguars are in good hands.


Never knew this either about the number of coaches...from the article...


"In those 10 years, Coughlin has won two Super Bowls, 2007 and 2011. He has helped foster a coaching tree that has produced seven NFL head coaches and six collegiate head coaches. He has the most wins of any modern coach in Giants franchise history and is 68 victories from the team’s all-time mark, set by Steve Owen, a total that took Owen 22 years to amass between 1931-53. Coughlin has also written two books."

When I doubt about Coughlin just remember he fought with the greatest QB and HC in the history of the NFL and won two super bowls against them.

He has powers.
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