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Full Version: Urgency !
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So this new thread is about urgency, consistency, 35-40 burgers, hairnets and being hip?


Did I miss anything?

Quote:So this new thread is about urgency, consistency, 35-40 burgers, hairnets and being hip?


Did I miss anything?
Don't forget the fact that we are not cats...


Oh wait, that was the other thread.
Quote:Sorry for using a term that made you hungry again.

You've never heard that term being used for that level of scoring in football?? (a 30-burger/ 40-burger)?....

Old man.

Man I thought Charlie "Cheeseburger" Wies was out of the coaching scene. Lol
Quote:I would love to see more aggressive playing on both sides of the ball...I think they are limited to the aggressiveness by the personnel they have on the field...They can tell Bortles to throw 30 yards down field every play, but that can't work. They want to get the running game working and I believe they will concentrate on that...By having a running game, the passing game opens up...It works both ways if you can throw, the defense will come out of the run stop protection and the running game will open up...We just need to have a good push and blocking by the OL to get the running game going, and then we can have a balanced attack
yea i believe in this theory too.
Quote:Is your work attire flame retardant polyester too? Wink

It's not necessary, I hire people to wear such attire.


Regards.................the Chiefjag
Well that escalated quickly
Quote:It's not necessary, I hire people to wear such attire.

Regards.................the Chiefjag

I just got a PM from an "unnamed" contributor to this board. He is planning to move down here from the Philly area and was wondering if he could wear some of that polyester and get paid too?

............Was funnier in my head.
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