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Full Version: Gus Bradley critical of his leadership
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Quote:There isn't a single head coach in this league who hasn't made a mistake.

Of course, but TMD seems to hold different people to different standards.
Quote:Admitting he made some mistakes including throwing the red flag twice means he already has learned from it.
Not so fast... Recognizing something in theory versus practicing it in/on the field are 2 separate and distinct facets of mastering something.

He needs to prove it on Sundays. Untill then, it's just another empty mantra with no true plan to make it a reality.
Quote:Admitting he made some mistakes including throwing the red flag twice means he already has learned from it.

No it doesn't. He's been terrible in clock management this season and on knowing when and when not to call a timeout. I'll be convinced he's learned when I see him do better with it in gametime.

He can say all he wants but it always goes back to results on the field.
Quote:No it doesn't. He's been terrible in clock management this season and on knowing when and when not to call a timeout. I'll be convinced he's learned when I see him do better with it in game time.

He can say all he wants but it always goes back to results on the field.

I was only talking about the challenges, not the times he called timeouts.
Quote:I was only talking about the challenges, not the times he called timeouts.

Same principle applies.

He's made too many coaching mistakes. When I see him correct them in a game situation I'll feel better.
I think at this point in Gus' head-coaching career, a lot of posters on here are critical of his leadership too.

In my opinion, he talks too much.  More action/corrections, less Tony Robbins/Joel O'Steen snake oil.

Quote:In my opinion, he talks too much.  More action/corrections, less Tony Robbins/Joel O'Steen snake oil.
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I got to say I earned a little respect for him today.  It's rare to have a coach man up to their downfalls.


It does not mean he is the man for the job but atleast he is admitting to his mistakes

I give him credit for owning up to his mistakes. Hopefully he learns and gets better from this. Not sure why people are hating this, iirc weren't people upset when Del-Rio blamed others rather than himself? 

He can't magically go back and not make the mistakes. He owned up. Click management may be an issue, but it's not the same reason every week. Once we just let it run out with 3 TOs left. Once we burned all out TOs and this past week we lost them to bad challenges. He's figuring it out. Along with the rest of the young team.

I'm pretty sure a HC position in the NFL takes more than a year to really learn....

This isn't to say he 100% will be a great coach. Just it's too early to tell. Just like with a QB, you can't play musical chairs with coaching and expect sustainable results. Let the man learn the job.
Quote:No it doesn't. He's been terrible in clock management this season and on knowing when and when not to call a timeout. I'll be convinced he's learned when I see him do better with it in gametime.

He can say all he wants but it always goes back to results on the field.

Exactly. He's still making rookie head coach game day mistakes and he's now in year 2. 


Doesn't matter if he sees the mistakes he's making unless he applies the corrections and fixes them. 


Quote:In my opinion, he talks too much.  More action/corrections, less Tony Robbins/Joel O'Steen snake oil.

Yep. "Deeds not words", as the only good head coach this franchise ever had once displayed in the locker room. 
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