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Full Version: Did Marrone interview anywhere else?
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Quote:Can't be an upgrade when nothing changes. Same coaches doing thes same things and expecting different results ........... I think there is a definition for that somewhere.

On a staff of probably 20, I think only 3 people remain.
I didn't want to start a new thread so I'll just slide this here....



did we fulfill the rooney rule and I missed it?

Marrone apparently interviewed at Episcopal HS under coaches Brunell and Boselli was invited back for a 2nd interview prior to accepting the Jags HC position.

Quote:I didn't want to start a new thread so I'll just slide this here....

did we fulfill the rooney rule and I missed it?

Quote:I think it's a terrible move


1. Doug Marrone knows people with the Saints, they were interested in him.

2. Reportedly, both Tom Coughlin and Bill Belichick (OMG I heard Belichick Somwhere!!!!!!!) recommended Marrone to Shad 

3. Doug Marrone was 25-25 at syracuse in four years 2 winning seasons (most he ever won was 8 games) 2 Bowl games! 

4. Doug Marrone won 3 more games in Buffalo than Gus Bradley did in his first two years 

5. Former Redskins & Texans GM (Charley Casserly) was optimistic but critical of the Marrone hiring

6. This Jaguars offense looked mildly different under Marrone, particularly the QB. I loved how Marrone moved Allen Robinson around the formation to get him matched up on inferior defensive backs, this is a sign of proactive adequate coaching.

7. Marrone reportedly kicked a player (who was late to a meeting) out of the room one time, I like guys who yell, roar!!!!!


The fact of the matter is contrary to experts, Doug Marrone is a okay head coach. He might not be the best hiring but neither was Mike Murlarkey ​when the Titans decided to remove his "intern" title last year, and Mularkey is still awful. I think Doug is about the same as Murlarkey, evidenced by the the fact that they both did okay in Buffalo. What else do fans need to see? The guy is clearly average inthe league and has an average resume to boot, I don't see the problem with the Marrone hiring because I like average coaches, or pretty much anybody the Jaguars hire! If the Jags told me to invest in Enron, I'd Buy. or that any article posted by the Onion or Brietbart was a reliable news sources, I'd believe it.  


Just fixed a few small errors

Quote:I think point #2 is total bunk...


But I've confirmed the other points made here, and they certainly do paint a rosy picture.  One of hope...


I checked and Hackett was the OC under Marrone while in Buffalo.

So just be prepared to see pretty much the entire coaching staff be retained.  Oh, except our WR's coach...  Who was probably the best position coach on the team, includeing Marrone.  Remember that Marrone was the O-Line coach...  And the O-Line while serviceable for the season were quite a letdown this year...

Swing and a miss.

Quote:It means what other teams wanted to interview Marrone to be their HC. Looks like nobody did. I guess that Search Firm they hired was to help hide that they wanted Marrone  above anybody else.

The Rams had requested permission to interview Marrone.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.syracuse.com/orangefootball/index.ssf/2017/01/la_rams_requesting_permission_to_interview_former_syracuse_bills_coach_doug_marr.html'>http://www.syracuse.com/orangefootball/index.ssf/2017/01/la_rams_requesting_permission_to_interview_former_syracuse_bills_coach_doug_marr.html</a>
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